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Research Snapshot: Travel buyer sustainability priorities

Research Snapshot: Travel buyer sustainability priorities

ResearchSnapshotTravel buyer sustainability prioritiesProduced by BCD Travel Research & Innovation, May 2021Source: BCD Travel buyer survey conducted in April 2021 (101 responses).Priorities are rated on a 1-5 scale from “not important at all” to “extremely important”; data comparison is based on mean scores. Travel buyers recognize their sustainability priorities must be aligned with general company sustainability goals.Trackingtravel sustainability and reducingits environmental impact are of higher importancethan offsettingcarbon emissions.3,63,73,83,93,94,04,1Offsetting carbon emissionsSatisfaction of traveler needsEmployee educationTransparencyReducing travel impactTracking and reportingSupporting company goalsTravel buyer sustainability prioritiesYes36%No6%Don't know58%Support of the UN's Sustainable Development GoalsYes64%No8%Don't know28%Annual Sustainability Report While two thirds of travel buyers report their company is publishing an annual sustainability report, a quarter do not have this information.6 in 10do notknow if their company supports the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals that address today’s sustainability challenges (or they may not know what the SDGs actually mean).