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Research Snapshot: COVID-19 – how business travelers view the measures needed to resume safe travel

信息技术2021-07-28BCD Travel大***
Research Snapshot: COVID-19 – how business travelers view the measures needed to resume safe travel

RESEARCH SNAPSHOTCOVID-19 –how business travelers view the measures needed to resume safe travelBusiness travelers have become less positive about the measures intended to support their return to travelSource: an online survey of 738 business travelers conducted by BCD Travel from July 6 to July 20, 2021Figures based only on responses indicating a view; excludes “not sure”Produced by BCD Travel Research & Innovation, July 2021Travelers told us how different COVID-19 measures have affected their willingness to resume travel•The share of travelers holding a positive view on any of the measures has decreasedsince our February survey. Most have shifted their view from “positive” to “no impact,” although views on track & trace apps andquarantine have become much more negative.•Travelers see effective vaccines as most important, while the appeal of digital health passes has grown relative to the other measures.•Quarantineis weighing down on the travel intentions of almost 80%of business travelers.Effective vaccinesPre-departure testsDigital health passesTrack and trace appsQuarantine