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CHINAPRESTIGE & SPECIALTY HOME FRAGRANCE TRACKING CONSUMERS LOOK FOR A PRODUCT 5 SENSES ENJOYMENT,TO SET THE SCENE & MOOD“熟悉的音乐、味道和撸猫的手感,放在一起才是家。”“先要找到家里最舒服的那块沙发,泡上一杯热气腾腾的红茶,空调调到体感最舒服的温度,连好蓝牙音箱放一首喜欢的西语歌,一切就绪后点燃Diptyque的‘朝雾玫瑰’......所有美好一起涌来,这就是我的圆满时刻。”“禅风竹林味道清冷适合工作。天鹅小径很甜美,适合和男朋友在家制造浪漫氛围。” CHINA HOME FRAGRANCE LANDSCAPEConsumers Define By Brand Image, Emotion, Olfactive, Aesthetics And Price SPECIALTYFragrance ChoiceShopping ExperienceQuality, yet ValuePRESTIGEFragranceBrand ImageAspirationalMASSFunctionalityValue Pricing˂BRIDGE ˃˂MASSTIGE ˃ 植物:花果草木,花园,精油情绪:芳香疗法,快乐,减压,舒缓,能量度假,目的地:城市,奥运,海岛,极光香水:大牌香水,酒店香探索:山川河谷,宇宙,星座,星球,未来节日/庆祝:情人节,七夕,春节,生日常见概念美食:甜点,喜茶,麦当劳,跨界情怀:童年回忆,复古风,家乡艺术:博物馆,设计师,名画,故宫故事:神话,童话,鬼怪,民俗年轻:个性,色彩,IP联名 植物情绪旅行香水探索节日故事年轻艺术情怀美食 NATURAL FRAGRANCE REED DIFFUSERSSCENT LIBRARYL.B.K WATER A mix of water and metal smell reminds us of the boiled water in aluminum pot of our childhood. The L.B.K collection also include perfume, body wash and lotion and is a bestseller in the market.CHILDHOOD MEMORYMORE FRAGRANCE OPTIONS NATURE COLLECTIONMost are floral, fruity, some herbal and gourmand.245 rmb/ 100ml 299rmb/ 100ml THE SMELL OF SPACE ROSESCENT LIBRARYSPACE ROSECreated with inspirations from ‘roses fomthe space’...In 1998, NASA brought a miniature rose with two ready-open buds to space and astronauts took samples of the oils. After the samples returned to earth, scientist studied the aroma and found that the fragrance is different from the roses grown on earth. The space roses had more ‘floral rose aroma’. X WHITE RABBITSCENT LIBRARYSCENT LIBRARY X WHITE RABBIT (milk candy brand)Another crossover from BHC and candy brands. White Rabbit’s milk candy is childhood memory for most 80s and 90s Chinese consumers. This time Scent Library launched a milk candy fragranced product set on 2019 Children’s Day, include reed diffusers, car fragrance, perfume, body lotion, hand cream, and a big bag. to evoke our memory of the sweet childhood. And they placed many ‘game machine’ in shopping malls to interact with consumers. CHILDHOOD MEMORY REED DIFFUSERSRECLASSIFIEDEach number is one philosophy and represented by one fragrance.Floral, fruity and vegetable, green scent.360 rmb/ 150mlFLORAL & FRUITYNUMBERSMOTHER NATUREInspired by nature’s aroma in different places of the world: Edinburgh Afternoon Tea, Park Of Zen, Pink Lake Hillier, Gold Coast, Rose Valley Of Kazanlak, Monet’s Gardenetc.200rmb/ 150mlLily Of Valley & Jasmine Sambac, Custard Apple & Aloe, Iris & Grass, Narcissus & Orchid, Orange & Honeysuckle, Blood Orange & Grapefruit, Cherry Blossom & Plum etc. 200rmb/ 150ml200rmb/ 150mlRippling Osmanthus FAIR-PRICE HOME LIFESTYLE BRANDMINISOMINISO X FCCD (故宫宫廷文化) THE PALACE COLLECTION云海苍蓝,瑶岛鲜花Package design is inspired by clothes pattern of Qing Dynasty(blue) and Famous painting(pink). Candle 29.9/150g/30hReeds 49.9 /120mlSet 49.4MINISO X KAKAO FREINDSTHE SEARoom spray19.9 rmbMINISO X MARVELSACHETSUsing natural corncob10 rmb 苏州蔓莎M&SENSECOLOR COLLECTIONScarlet Red, Sunset Glow, Source Of LifeInspired by Cappadocia Turkey, a colorful dreamland128/ setFOREST MIST COLLECTIONAmberwood& Spice, Evergreen & Silver Birch, Distingue Devore, Frost URBAN CHIC CANDLE COLLECTION128 RMB REED DIFFUSERSCHANDOFIBER ROD DIFFUSER BLACK, REDFANTASY 80 rmb/80mlFIBER ROD DIFFUSER PINK, LILAC, BLUE, BLACK, GREENPLUM GLORY, URBAN 498rmb/ 100ml, 358 rmb/120ml HONESTY 398rmb/200ml FRAGRANCE OIL (REED DIFFUSER REFILL)CHANDOFLORALRose Garden, Midnight Crystal, Warm Tulips, Sensual Camellia, Midnight Lotus, Wild Orchid, Fresh Lily, Shanghai Magnolia, Oriental Peony, Fresh Gardenia, Jasmine & Plumeria, Carnation & ApricotFRUITYApple Blossom, Lilac & YlangGRASSYWhite Dandelion, Botanical Garden, Spring Bud, Amber & Sage, Lemon & Green TeaWOODYSandalwood Musk, Vanilla & Cedar, Tobacco WoodsOCEANCoastal Mist, Blue Breeze, Caribbean SeaPERFUMEMediterranean’s Blue, Golden AmberReed diffuser refill liquid 198 rmb/ 100mlEssential oil 98 rmb/ 10ml LIFESTYLE BRAND SELLS EVERYTHING THE BEASTVariants: Peony, Rose, Lime & Mint, Sea Salt & Sage, Cinnamon & Lemon, Wild Berries, Sleeping Coast, Wild Rose LIFESTYLE BRAND SELLS EVERYTHING THE BEASTCO-BRANDINGT-B-HUp In The Air CollectionShanghai Street,Santorini Cliff Walk,Marrakech GardenTravel Memo Candle CollectionInspired by islands including IzuIslands, Sicily Islands, Greenland, Peter Pan’s Never LandFRAGRANCE JOURNEYBEAST X BOY SMELLSGardener Made in USAMORE THAN FRAGRANCELittle Prince Music Box Candle SetUp In The Air Music CandlePeach blossom romance/ Blue cedarwoodMusic’s on when open the box LIFESTYLE BRAND SELLS EVERYTHING THE BEASTCITY READING COLLECTIONS LIFESTYLE BRAND SELLS EVERYTHING THE BEASTLITTLE B X NIGHTBUS = MOON CollectionOctober 2019, LITTLE B launched a Night Bus event to make some noise for their new launch MOON collection (MOON DUST & MOON LIGHT) home fragrance, including candle, diffusers and scent bag.Little B月球系列月尘香薰&香氛前调是迎面而来的第一缕沁人的花果香,犹如夜空中的星河明月般拥有神秘的引力,吸引你走入宇宙的无限秘境。后调是优雅神秘的麝木香,是探入宇宙









