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2022 INTERIM REPORT 中期報告CHINA DEVELOPMENT BANK FINANCIAL LEASING CO., LTD.國銀金融租賃股份有限公司(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China)股份代號 Stock Code: 16062022INTERIM REPORT中期報告(於中華人民共和國註冊成立的股份有限公司) 公司簡介COMPANY OVERVIEW國銀金融租賃股份有限公司是中國銀保監會監管的全國性非銀行金融機構,是境內第一家上市的金融租賃公司,是國家開發銀行唯一的上市租賃業務平台。國銀租賃成立於1984年,是中國租賃行業的開創者和領導者,公司秉承「引領中國租賃、服務實體經濟」的使命,致力於為航空、基礎設施、船舶、普惠金融、新能源和高端裝備製造等領域的優質客戶提供綜合性的租賃服務,租賃資產及業務合作夥伴已遍及全球40餘個國家和地區,享有較高國際信用評級,穆迪A1、標普A及惠譽A+。作為中國首批成立的租賃公司之一,國銀租賃見證並參與了中國租賃行業的發展,經歷了數次行業經濟周期及監管變革,在業務領域探索、產品創新、風險管控、經營管理等方面積累了豐富的經驗。同時,國銀租賃始終堅持規模、質量、效益均衡發展,通過有規劃地探索各類業務領域、持續推進產品創新和業務改進、完善公司治理,在資產規模、盈利能力和風險控制方面領先同業,並形成了核心競爭優勢明顯、持續發展能力突出的業務發展模式。隨着我國堅定不移走高質量發展之路,不斷增強金融服務實體經濟能力,中國金融行業市場化、國際化程度不斷提升,以及市場對定制租賃產品和服務的需求不斷上升,租賃行業正面臨重要發展機遇。國銀租賃悠久的經營歷史、領先的市場地位、成熟的業務模式及卓越的品牌有助於集團把握這些機遇,繼續保持穩健發展及行業領先優勢,持續升級業務模式,提高專業化服務能力,為實現建設國際一流金融租賃公司的願景努力前行。China Development Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., a national non-banking financial institution regulated by CBIRC, is the first listed financial leasing company in mainland China and the sole listed leasing business platform of China Development Bank. Founded in 1984, CDB Leasing is a pioneer and a leader in the leasing industry in the PRC. Adhering to the mission of “leading China’s leasing industry, serving the real economy”, the Company is dedicated to providing comprehensive leasing services to high-quality customers in fields including aviation, infrastructure, shipping, inclusive finance, new energy and high-end equipment manufacturing, with leasing assets and business partners reaching throughout over 40 countries and regions all over the world, enjoying relatively high international credit ratings, namely “A1” by Moody’s, “A” by Standard & Poor’s and “A+” by Fitch.As one of the first leasing companies established in the PRC, CDB Leasing has witnessed and participated in the development of the PRC leasing industry, experienced various economic cycles in the industry and regulatory reforms, and gained abundant experience through our exploration in business sectors, product innovation, risk management and control, operation management and other aspects. At the same time, CDB Leasing has been continuously adhering to the balanced development of scale, quality and efficiency. Through exploration of different business sectors in a planned manner, continuous product innovation and business improvement as well as enhancement of corporate governance, CDB Leasing outpaced peers in terms of asset scale, profitability and risk control, and formed a business development model with obvious advantages of core competitiveness and prominent sustainable development capabilities.As China unwaveringly pursues high-quality development and continuously enhances the ability of finance to serve the real economy, the PRC financial industry becomes more market-oriented and international and the market demand for bespoke leasing products and services is increasing, and the leasing industry is experiencing important development opportunities. CDB Leasing’s long operating history, leading market position, well-developed business model and premier brand will enable the Group to seize such opportunities, achieve sustained growth, and continue to maintain our leading position. We will constantly upgrade our business model, improve our professional service capabilities and strive to move forward for achieving the vision of building a world-class financial leasing company. 目錄CONTENTS4公司資料8釋義10技術詞彙11財務摘要17管理層討論與分析60其他資料69獨立審閱報告70中期簡明合併財務報表及附註 CORPORATE INFORMATION6DEFINITIONS8GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS10FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS11MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS17OTHER INFORMATION60INDEPENDENT REVIEW REPORT101INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES102 4公司資料 CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料CORPORATE INFORMATION董事會關聯交易控制委員會徐進先生(主席)黃敏先生楊貴芳先生鄭學定先生張憲初先生董事會審計委員會鄭學定先生(主席)李英寶先生徐進先生張憲初先生董事會薪酬委員會張憲初先生(主席)彭忠先生李英寶先生鄭學定先生徐進先生董事會提名委員會徐進先生(主席)馬紅女士鄭學定先生張憲初先生監事會李雪玲女士1王一雲先生黃雪梅女士2馬永義先生王濱先生3董事會執行董事馬紅女士(董事長、法定代表人)彭忠先生(副董事長)黃敏先生非執行董事李英寶先生楊貴芳先生獨立非執行董事鄭學定先生徐進先生張憲初先生董事會戰略決策委員會馬紅女士(主席)彭忠先生李英寶先生鄭學定先生徐進先生董事會風險管理與內部控制委員會馬紅女士(主席)彭忠先生黃敏先生李英寶先生楊貴芳先生鄭學定先生1 於2022年7月28日辭任本公司股東監事。2 於2022年6月30日辭任本公司職工監事。3 於2022年6月30日獲委任為本公司職工代表監事。 5公司資料 CORPORATE INFORMATION註冊辦事處中國廣東省深圳市福田區福中三路2003號國銀金融中心大廈總部中國廣東省深圳市福田區福中三路2003號國銀金融中心大廈香港主要營業地點香港銅鑼灣勿地臣街1號時代廣場二座31樓公司網址http://www.cdb-leasing.com股份代號1606上市日期2016年7月11日聯席公司秘書劉毅先生伍秀薇女士授權代表黃敏先生劉毅先生H股證券登記處香港中央證券登記有限公司香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心17樓1712-1716室核數師安永會計師事務所執業會計師註冊公眾利益實體核數師香港鰂魚涌英皇道979號太古坊一座27樓法律顧問關於香港法律羅夏信律師事務所香港金鐘道95號統一中心18樓關於中國法律上海市錦天城(深圳)律師事務所中國廣東省深圳市福田區福華三路卓越世紀中心1號樓22層-23層 6公司資料 CORPORATE INFORMATIONRELATED PARTY TRANSACTION CONTROL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARDMr. Xu Jin (Chairman)Mr. Huang MinMr. Yang GuifangMr. Zheng XuedingMr. Zhang XianchuAUDIT COMMITTEE OF THE BOARDMr. Zheng Xueding (Chairman)Mr. Li YingbaoMr. Xu JinMr. Zhang XianchuREMUNERATION COMMITTEE OF THE BOARDMr. Zhang Xianchu (Chairman)Mr. Peng ZhongMr. Li YingbaoMr. Zheng XuedingMr.