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INSTITUTIONAL EQUITY RESEARCH Page | 1 | PHILLIP CAPITAL RESEARCH 中國建築國際中國建築國際中國建築國際中國建築國際 (3311.HK) 2015年目標如期達成年目標如期達成年目標如期達成年目標如期達成,,,,PPP業務快速拓展業務快速拓展業務快速拓展業務快速拓展 HONG KONG | PROPERTY | COMPANY UPDATE 27 January 2016 2015年合約額如期達成年合約額如期達成年合約額如期達成年合約額如期達成 中國建築國際2015年全年累計新簽合約額701億元 ,按計劃完成訂下的全年目標。截至去年12月底 ,在手總合約額1998億元 ,其中未完合約額1271億元 ,相當於集團2014年經審核營業額的3.7倍。 2013-2015年中國建築國際的新合約額增速分別為24%、32%和16%,反映了中國經濟逐步放緩的態勢,但仍遠高於GDP的走勢 。2016年,管理層的新合約額展望是780億,相當於11.4%的同比增速,進一步下滑。我們預計,隨著基數上升以及經濟結構轉型 ,未來3年中國建築國際的新合約額增速將逐步降至約5%水準 。 業績方面 ,公司2015年前3季度營業額257億元 ,同比上升14%,經營溢利同比上升23.3%至35億元 ,業績維持穩定增長。 PPP業務模式推動國內業務快速增長業務模式推動國內業務快速增長業務模式推動國內業務快速增長業務模式推動國內業務快速增長 2015年,中國建築國際的國內業務同比提升21%,這主要受益于公司利用PPP模式進入了醫院、學校和地下管廊等新領域,2015年公司PPP新簽合同額占全部國內新簽合同的20%,該比例預計未來會進一步提升。PPP模式對公司來說有三點優勢:所需資本更少、風險更小(PPP債務由中央政府擔保)和盈利能力更強。 此外 ,管理層對於港澳市場業務前景樂觀。香港方面,2015-2019年香港機場第三條跑道進行建設,預計招標金額為1,410億元港幣 ,這將是公司未來幾年的重點專案。澳門方面 ,新一輪填海工程和市政建設將推動澳門建築市場走穩,公司有望直接受益。 資產負債表穩固資產負債表穩固資產負債表穩固資產負債表穩固 6月末 ,中建國際債務總計170億,較去年末有所上升,帳面現金97.6億,淨債務總計72.4億,淨債務比率34.5%,保持在較低水準。公司目前的外幣和人民幣的債務比例為7:3,雖然匯兌風險敞口較大,但公司有足夠的美元及港幣現金儲備和海外業務收入作為對沖,而且公司有能力按需調整公司的債務結構,所以人民幣貶值對公司影響有限 。 2015年公司的現金流方面有驚喜,源於中央對地方政府佈置了債務比例的要求,所以公司在年底收到了部分提前回款。 買買買買入入入入 (Update) 收市價: HKD 12.20 (現價截至2016年1月25日) 目目目目標標標標價價價價: HKD 15.80 (+29.50%) O/S SHARES (MN) : 4,012 MARKET CAP (HKD MN) : 48,952 Ent. Value (HKD MN) : 54,465 52 - WK HI/LO (HKD) : 15.45/8.86 SHARE HOLDING PATTERN, % PROMOTERS : 55.83 NON PROMOTER CORP. HOLDINGS : 10.23 PUBLIC & OTHERS : 33.94 PRICE Source: Phillip Capital Research KEY FINANCIALS HKD Mn FY13 FY14 FY15E FY16E Revenue 27,192 34,440 42,380 51,183 Net Profit 2,772 3,457 4,181 5,007 EPS 0.713 0.860 1.074 1.248 P/E (X) 19.50 12.50 14.71 12.66 BVPS 4.160 4.942 5.460 6.110 P/B (X) 3.34 2.18 2.89 2.59 DPS 0.210 0.260 0.322 0.395 Div. Yield 1.51% 2.42% 2.04% 2.50% Source: Phillip Capital Research Est. 研研研研研 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 +8621 51699400-107 chengeng@phillip.com.cn INSTITUTIONAL EQUITY RESEARCH Page | 2 | PHILLIP CAPITAL RESEARCH 風險風險風險風險 中國經濟增速下滑風險; 地方政府的財政持續惡化; 流動性風險上升 。 估值估值估值估值 中建國 際是香港上市的最優質的建築公司,內生性增長得益於強勁的新訂單和穩健的運營,而PPP模式和母公司的資產注入則為其提供了新的增長動力。我們給予中建國際“买入”評級,12個月目標價15.80港元 ,相當於13X的2016年預期市盈率 。(現價截至2016年1月25日) 財財財財務務務務報報報報告告告告 (Financial figures as at 25 January 2016) INSTITUTIONAL EQUITY RESEARCH Page | 3 | PHILLIP CAPITAL RESEARCH PHILLIP RESEARCH STOCK SELECTION SYSTEMS Total Return Recommendation Rating Remarks >+20% Buy 1 >20% upside from the current price +5% to +20% Accumulate 2 +5% to +20%upside from the current price -5% to +5% Neutral 3 Trade within ± 5% from the current price -5% to -20% Reduce 4 -5% to -20% downside from the current price <-20% Sell 5 >20%downside from the current price We do not base our recommendations entirely on the above quantitative return bands. We consider qualitative factors like (but not limited to) a stock's risk reward profile, market sentiment, recent rate of share price appreciation, presence or absence of stock price catalysts, and speculative undertones surrounding the stock, before making our final recommendation GENERAL DISCLAIMER This publication is prepared by Phillip Securities (Hong Kong) Ltd (“Phillip Securities”). By receiving or reading this publication, you agree to be bound by the terms and limitations set out below. This publication shall not be reproduced in whole or in part, distributed or published by you for any purpose. Phillip Securities shall not be liable for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of material contained in this publication. The information contained in this publication has been obtained from public sources which Phillip Securities has no reason to believe are unreliable and any analysis, forecasts, projections, expectations and opinions (collectively the “Research”) contained in this publication are based on such information and are expressions of belief only. Phillip Securities has not verified this information and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made that such information or Research is accurate, complete or verified or should be relied upon as such. Any such information or Research contained in this publication is subject to change, and Phillip Securities shall not have any responsibility to maintain the information or Research made available or to supply any corrections, updates or releases in connection therewith. In no event will Phillip Securities be liable for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages which may be incurred from the use of the information or Research made available, even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any opinions, forecasts, assumptions, estimates, valuations and prices contained in this material are as of the date indicated and are subject to change at any time without prior notice. This material is intended for general circulation only and does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or