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2022Pet Food TrendsclarkstonCONSULTING he pet food industry has seen significant shifts and growth given the lasting effects the coronaviruspandemic has had on consumer expectatlons for their pets. In 2o21, U.S. retail sales of pet food for dogsand cats Increasedl 6.4% from the prevlous year. By 2025, the industry ls projected to reach $47.9 billionbased on a 6.6% CAGR. The humanization of pets continues to be stronger than ever, as pet adoptions roseamongst Millennials and Gen Z, and many owners continue to spend more time at home.Bearing this in mind, we see that cirivers of the pet fooc inclustry fall closely in line with the evolution ofconsumer needs for themselves. Pet health and wellness has risen as a top priority, with the pets-as-familymindset influencing healthier food and even wearable devices Just like their owners, pets are consuming moreand supplements are becoming a regular part of pet routines to ensure adequate vitamins and nutrients are intheir dietsAs more diverse options for food and treats emerge, consumers look for more than just what's on the labelconscious consumerism that is taking precedence. What's more is that online shopping is here to stay andproclucts.T R E N D # 1Petwellnessexpandsbeyondfoodtosupplementsandwearables.As consumers continue to plece increasing focus on their own health and wellness, they have rellected thismindset towerd their pets'lives. According to a survey by Chewy, 73% of owners demonstratecl their pets'health is as important as a family member's. With this in mind, we see that consumers are looking for customizedchoices that go beyond a functional three-meal-a-day routine.In 2020 alone, the pet supplement market reached $1.47 billion in sales. This trend is likely speaking toSupplements to improve their pets' joint health, skin or fur health, heart health, and oral health. Weightmanagement supplements are also on the rise given the growing issue of obesity in dogs and cats, which is alsosupported by wearables.Pet owners wouldl dlo anything to better serve their pet's needs, even if that meant using technology tounderstand them. The pet wearables segment, for example, is on the rise to manage fitness goals or keep trackoflost pets. Like smart watches and home security systems, pet collars and in-home cameras are becomingThe prioritization of pet wellness is a trend here to stay this year, heavily influenced by pet owners' owncustomized and speak directly to the personal needs of pet owners who want the absolute best tor thelr petsSOURCE TREN D # 2Premiumpetfooddrivesportfoliostrategies,with a focus on fresh,raw,and organicoptions.Gone are the days where standard kibble is enough for pet owners" furry family. Fresh, premium, andhigh-quality ingredients are a priority when consumers search for food and treats. Premium food brands haveseen increased market share over the last 10 years, while standard food brands saw slight declines in marketshare. However, kibble remained a staple in U.S. dog owners homes, with nearly 94% of U.S, dog ownersconsistently purchasing kibble in 2021.Fresh and raw food, including organic varieties, are continuing to risein preference; many consumers are more willing to purchase orOrganicpetfoodsaw$22.8prepare fresh food ir it becomes more affordable. Despite the cost,billioninsalesin2020."consumers recognize the value fresh food has on prolonging theirSOURCEpet's health and Immunity. In 2020 alone, organic pet food reachec$22.8 blllon in sales.food, like Mars Petcare who recently acquired Nom Nom, a dlirect-to-consumer pet foocl brand focused on freshfood, treats, and supplements.Brands that are established or considering entering the pet food market should consider how fresh, organic,ancdl vegan preferences will translate into food andl treat innovations. We expect to see consumers incorporatingfresh and prermiurm food s part ofr their regular pet routines to promote their animals'long-term healthTREND #3Alternativeproteinsdrivepetfood andtreat innovationtoward greatersustainabilityConsumers are not only focused on the environmental impact of their purchases but also the social ancleconomic impact. Pet foods made with byproducts and renderings, for example, work to eliminate waste andgreenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. According to the North American RenderersAssoclation, roughly 5o% of animal meat would go to waste without renclerings. Alternative proteins, llkemade commitments on their end toward responsible sourcing. In purchasing responsibly sourced andeco-friencly pet foodis, consumers can create a greater net-positive impact from their householcd. With the vegan market projected to reach over s15 million by 2028, we will continue to see brands testsustainable veqan formula options. Pet fooc brand Wild Earth, for example, uses veqan superfood anchigh-protein ingredients to provicle significant health b enefits. The company saw 700% growth between 2020 to2021 and seeks to disrupt the pet food industry with adv