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请务必阅读正文之后的信息披露和重要声明 海外研 究 公司深 度 研 究 报 告 证券研究报告 #industryId# 医药行业 #investSuggestion# 审慎增持 ( #investSuggestionChange# 首次 ) 目标价:24.23港元 现价:19.20港元 预期升幅: 26.19% #marketData# 市场数据 日期 2020-06-05 收盘价(港元) 19.20 总股本(百万股) 1,896 流通股本(百万股) 1,896 总市值(亿港元) 364 流通市值(亿港元) 364 净资产(亿美元) 3.83 总资产(亿美元) 8.89 每股净资产(美元) 0.20 数据来源:Wind #relatedReport# 相关报告 《LCAR-B38M数据惊艳,中国传奇闪耀全球》20191213 海外医药研究 #emailAuthor# 分析师: 张忆东 兴业证券经济与金融研究院副院长 zhangyd@xyzq.com.cn SFC:BIS749 SAC:S0190510110012 #assAuthor# 联系人: 蔡莹琛 caiyingchen@xyzq.com.cn SFC:BLT552 徐佳熹 xujiaxi@xyzq.com.cn SAC:S0190513080003 李伟 liwei19@xyzq.com.cn SAC:S0190519110001 #dyStockcode# 01548 .HK #dyCompany# 金斯瑞生物科技 港股通(沪/深) #title# 全球基因服务龙头,冉冉升起的细胞治疗新星 #createTime1# 2020年6月8日 主要财务指标 $zycwzb|主要财务指标$ 会计年度 2019年实际 2020年预测 2021年预测 2022年预测 营业额(千美元) 273,354 325,601 398,581 566,484 增长率(%) 18.33% 19.11% 22.41% 42.13% 净利润(千美元) -117,516 -151,282 -164,019 -33,181 每股盈利(美分) -5.227 -6.729 -7.296 -1.476 增长率(%) -541.61% -28.73% -8.42% 79.77% 市盈率(倍) -47.4 -36.8 -33.9 -167.8 每股股息(港元) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 股息现价比率(%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 数据来源:公司资料、兴业证券经济与金融研究院 投资要点 #summary#  冉冉升起的细胞治疗新星:公司的核心产品LCAR-B38M采用双靶位设计,较同类产品肿瘤靶向特异性更高。(1)疗效:LCAR-B38M的ORR高于国外同类产品,且CR数据更好;mPFS和mDOR均显著优于Bluebird的产品。(2)安全性:LCAR-B38M 3级以上CRS和神经毒性发生率与同类产品相近,副作用整体可控。(3)研发进度:LCAR-B38M在国内处于II期,进度领先;在美国处于Ib/II期,紧随Bluebird之后。公司2017年起与强生合作,有望顺利打开美国乃至全球市场。此外,公司CAR-T平台在人才储备、技术积累、生产质控等方面已做好准备,未来或将不断产出新产品。  生命科学研究服务发展稳健,生物制剂开发和工业酶快速成长:基因合成是公司生命科学研究服务的核心,公司是该领域的龙头,业务持续稳健发展。生物制剂开发服务市场快速发展,公司在技术方面有独到之处,产能不断扩张,近年将维持高增长。工业酶板块尚处于成长期,随着济南诺能知名度提高以及新增产能利用率的提升,该业务有望实现收入和毛利率的双升。  盈利预测与估值:我们预测公司2020-2022年营业收入分别为3.26、3.99和5.66亿美元,同比增长19.11%、22.41%和42.13%;净利润分别为-1.51、-1.64和-0.33亿美元。我们对公司进行分部估值,合理市值约449亿港元:(1)细胞疗法:采用绝对估值,估值约289亿港元。(2)生命科学服务:以市盈率进行相对估值,估值约137亿港元。(3)生物制剂开发:以市销率进行相对估值,估值约13.32亿港元。(4)工业合成生物产品:以市销率进行相对估值,估值约9.67亿港元。基于(1)LCAR-B38M数据优异、项目推进顺利、研发进度领先,产品上市后将为公司带来较大的业绩增量,同时CAR-T技术平台已经相对完善,未来或将不断产出新产品;(2)生命科学研究服务稳健增长,确定性高;(3)生物制剂开发业务和工业酶业务处于成长期,短期内将维持高增长;(4)前瞻布局的项目未来有望为公司衍生出更多业务板块,随着各项业务进展不断兑现,我们认为公司有望迎来估值修复,给予目标价24.23港元,给予“审慎增持”评级。 风险提示:LCAR-B38M研发进度和销售低于预期,生物制剂开发业务和工业酶业务扩展不及预期,研发投入过大导致资金短缺。 请务必阅读正文之后的信息披露和重要声明 - 2 - 海外公司深度研究报告 Key Data June. 5, 2020 Closing Price (HKD) 19.20 Total Shares (Mn) 1,896 Shares Outstanding (Mn) 1,896 Market Cap (Bn/HKD) 36.4 Market Float (Bn/HKD) 36.4 Net Assets (Bn/USD) 0.38 Total Assets (Bn/USD) 0.89 BVPS (USD) 0.20 Analyst Zhang Yidong zhangyd@xyzq.com.cn SAC: S0190517070001 SFC: BIS749 Contact Isabella Cai caiyingchen@xyzq.com.cn SFC:BLT552 Jiaxi Xu xujiaxi@xyzq.com.cn SAC:S0190513080003 Wei Li liwei19@xyzq.com.cn SAC:S0190519110001 Outperform (Initiation) Healthcare Genscript Biotech Stock Connect (SH/SZ) (1548.HK) Global leading genetic services provider, a rising superstar of cell therapy 6/8/2020 Key Financial Indicators FY 2019A 2020E 2021E 2022E Revenue (K/USD) 273,354 325,601 398,581 566,484 YoY (%) 18.33% 19.11% 22.41% 42.13% Profit (K/USD) -117,516 -151,282 -164,019 -33,181 EPS (CENT) -5.227 -6.729 -7.296 -1.476 YoY (%) -541.61% -28.73% -8.42% 79.77% PE -47.4 -36.8 -33.9 -167.8 DPS (HKD) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 DPS/Price (%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% A rising star of cell therapy: Genscript’s core product LCAR-B38M adopts dual-targeting design and has higher targeting specificity to the tumor cells compared with similar products. (1) Curative effect: The ORR of LCAR-B38M is higher than foreign products, and the CR data of LCAR-B38M is better. The mPFS and mDOR of LCAR-B38M are both significantly superior to the similar products of Bluebird. (2) Security: Compared with similar products, the rates of CRS greater than or equal to 3 and neurotoxicity are close. Overall, the side effects of LCAR-B38M are controllable. (3) R&D progress: LCAR-B38M is now in phase II trial domestically, which is in an advanced position. In the US, it’s in phase Ib/II, and the progress is right after Bluebird. Genscript has collaborated with Johnson & Johnson on LCAR-B38M since 2017, which may help LCAR-B38M open the US and global markets. Furthermore, Genscript’s CAR-T platform has been well prepared in the talent pool, technology accumulation, and production quality control, and may continue to turn out new products. Life sciences research services develop steadily, and biologics CDMO and industrial synthetic biology products grow rapidly: Gene synthesis is the core of Genscript’s life sciences research services, and Genscript is the leader in this field. Genscript’s gene synthesis has developed steadily in the past few years. The biologics CDMO market grows rapidly. Genscript owns unique technical advantages, and the production capacity has expanded in recent years. Genscript’s biologics CDMO would expand at a high speed in the next few years. The industrial synthetic biology products sector is still in its growth period. With the reputation of Jinan Nuoneng gaining and the utilization of new capacit