CIDOB briefings 59 from April 2024 highlights the United Nations Secretary-General's initiative for a summit to approve a 'Pact for the Future'. This is aimed at addressing three strategic topics: transformation of the international financial architecture and funding for development, digital transition, and the Declaration on the Future Generations.
International Financial Architecture & Development Financing Deficit: The existing global financial system has struggled to effectively address economic, financial, energy, and health crises over recent decades. The current financing mechanisms are insufficient for tackling the challenges posed by the development agenda. Many countries face record levels of debt, hindering their ability to fund economic and social policies that drive development agendas. This is largely due to vulnerability to crises. The urgent need to address immediate issues and limited fiscal space prevents funding essential political reforms. Both Latin America and the Caribbean (ALC) and the European Union (EU) are vulnerable to financial instability, facing challenges with regional alliances and tools.
Debt Sustainability: There is international consensus on the importance of strengthening the safety net for countries most vulnerable to climate change and natural risks. The Bridgetown Initiative, proposed by Barbados, covers debt reform, liquidity support, trade, and governance. The EU-CELAC agreed to closely follow these initiatives, but given current historically high levels of debt, questions about sovereign debt management have remained absent, as countries with such issues do not generate systemic risks. Most external debt is held by private creditors, with banks acting as primary sources of resources for countries without access to credit markets. There is consensus that multilateral banks should align their policies with the realities of developing countries. The Paris Pact for People and Planet, adopted in June 2023 and supported by 35 governments from Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America, requested accelerated debt suspension and better coordination among multilateral development banks to mobilize low-cost loans, considering the needs of developing countries to handle financial crises.
The main focus is on transforming the international financial architecture to ensure sustainable development, promoting digital transitions, and protecting future generations through comprehensive strategies that address debt sustainability, equitable participation in international financial institutions, and improved governance practices.