Brand Finance conducted a brand valuation in June 2019. The IVSC valuation standards from 2008 formalized approaches to valuation and helped create ISO 10668, which specifies three alternative brand valuation approaches: Market, Cost, and Income Approaches. The Royalty Relief method, a variation of the Income Approach, is the most widely accepted. Brand valuations can be completed for various reasons, including purchase price allocation, damages litigation, capital gains tax planning, brand positioning, and marketing budget allocation. Financial reporting bodies updated accounting standards in 2003 to overcome issues, with IFRS 3 mandating that the value of an acquired business be split between all assets and goodwill, IAS 38 defining intangible assets, and IAS 36 stating that the value of all identified assets should be reviewed for impairment every year. These standards endorse the idea that intangible assets have value and can be valued accurately.