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B2B海外传播如何向垂直领域之外延展2019年5月 要向垂直领域之外延展,我们会面临哪些问题?合规守法,入乡随俗(文化)。目的,为什么要走出垂直领域?如何在企业内部获得价值认同?受众,原先的受众面目清晰,现在我们要走出垂直领域,我们到底打算针对谁做传播?内容,我现有的传播内容主要围绕案例、技术和产品,新的受众可能不关心也不理解,我该如何改造内容以吸引他们的注意?渠道,国际大媒体很重要,社交网络的影响力也无处不在,如何切入及整合?效果评估,海外是如何评估的? 合规守法,入乡随俗(文化)。目的,为什么要走出垂直领域?如何在企业内部获得价值认同?•采购方决策流程复杂,参与者不止于垂直领域内人士•在海外运营,拥有越来越多的外籍员工,跨文化交流需求日益突出•希望获得跨行业的关注及合作机会•提升已有的品牌资源,支持裂变出来新的业务•梳理核心价值,决策层、管理层、执行层一眼看清楚品牌需要做什么受众,垂直领域内的受众面目清晰,现在我们要走出垂直领域,我们到底打算针对谁做传播?•围绕海外项目——更大范围内的利益相关方•一般情况——目标市场内的舆论领袖 内容,我现有的传播内容主要围绕案例、技术和产品,新的受众可能不关心也不理解,我该如何改造内容以吸引他们的注意?渠道,国际大媒体很重要,社交网络的影响力也无处不在,如何切入及整合?效果评估,海外是如何评估的?挑选个性案例,从与(目标受众所关心的)热点有关的角度来切入。合规守法,入乡随俗(文化)。 5华尔街日报营销内容制作中心The Trust team from the Wall Street Journal | Barron’s Group (WSJ Custom Studio) is an in-house content agency packed with experienced editors, journalists, designers, web developers and project managers. Built on the foundation of trusted journalism and brand storytelling, the Trust works transparently with partners to craft campaigns with intelligence and integrity and excel at producing engaging, informative, interactive content that appeals to the millions of global leaders and key decision-makers who turn to the Journal daily for actionable insights on their worlds.WINNER2Digiday Video AwardsWINNERBest Branded Editorial ExperienceWebby AwardsWINNER18Telly AwardsWINNERBest Branded Content PartnershipAd AgeWINNERBest Native AdvertisementOutbrainWINNERExcellence In PartnershipCannes Entertainment LionWINNER2D&AD Wood Pencil AwardsWINNERGlobal Financial Advertising VideoMidas AwardWinner120+Content Awards 6Full Suite of Storytelling Capabilities 全面的内容制作能力Content built to drive results and meet our partner’s goals.VIDEOSWSJ. Custom Studio’s award winning videographers produce videos to suit any client’s needs—from events and interviews to sizzle reels and branded video series.POLLS & QUIZZESInteractive polls and quizzes built to collect data or reinforce brand insights. ARTICLESCustom written articles exploring campaign and brand-relevant topics.INFOGRAPHICSVisualizations of data, information or trends based on client-supplied or research by The Trust.RESEARCHCustom surveys built to yield unique insights. Results surface as articles, reports, video discussions/ debates, infographics or presentations. 7Building Brand CurrencyNot Just Content提供从传播策略到内容服务,从广告到会议的整合服务Consumer InsightsHundreds of millions of online signals and our proprietary communityof 20,000+ membersAmbition iD Full-day workshops with our brain trust of experts STRATEGYEditorial ExcellenceDeep expertise, unparalleled access to sources and talent, and innate curiosityIncreasing Range of Storytelling FormatsPodcastsData visualizationThought leadershipSTORYTELLINGEXPERIENCESTECHNOLOGYBrand Activation ProgrammingAudience DevelopmentEvent productionMobile InnovationImage recognitionAR & VRApp DevelopmentIntuitive, personalized mobile experiences that combine your content with curated news from WSJ | Barron’s GroupPowered By:Powered By:Powered By:Powered By:LIVEJOURNALISM 8案例:微软云–新技术帮助高尔夫球场设计大师达成杰作合规守法,入乡随俗(文化)。 9Please contact us for a full version of the Report. 10案例:京瓷-这些最前沿的技术,背后有陶瓷合规守法,入乡随俗(文化)。 11Results11•More than 9 in 10 key professionals recalled the Kyocera campaign, with 3 in 4 of them left with a more positive impression post-exposure. •From recommending & discussing with others to visiting Kyocera’s website to learn more, respondents were likely to act upon the content.•Kyocera surpassed B2B technology home page industry norms across every metric tested, with recall 3.6x as effective & positive brand disposition 2x the norm. Please contact us for a full version of report. 12案例:三菱重工–来自合资伙伴的成功故事Executive Summary from WSJ Custom StudioAbout the Content PartnershipIn our 2017 campaign, Engineering Partnerships Around the World, we developed five stories on how MHI has powered progress and sustainable growth around the world through joint ventures with other big name heavy industries players. We told stories about modernization of the iron and steel industry, capturing alternative energy sources in wind, solving world hunger through smart tractors, digitizing the power industry, and powering economies with the forklift sector through work being done by MHI’s various joint ventures; Primetals, MHI VestasOffshore Wind, Mitsubishi Mahindra Agricultural Machinery, MHPS and Mitsubishi Caterpillar respectively. In 2018, we continue along the same motif of Engineering Partnerships but this time, spotlighting strategic client relationships that show 1) positive business impact for clients and also 2) the difference made towards a more sustainable society. Through storytelling in articles, video and infographics, we present the stories behind MHI’s main business lines to make sense of the challenges –how MHI is developing new technology and offering innovative solutions to support their clients’ m