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音频产品使用现状调研报告2022针对全球消费类音频设备的用户行为和需求驱动因素的洞察 The State of Sound Report 2022A global analysis of audio consumer behaviors and desires Executive summary 3Research methodology 4Key findings 5What matters most: audio purchase drivers 6Feature focus: Spatial Audio 13Overview of connected audio 16Product focus: True wireless earbuds 19Trending scenarios for sound 23What’s inside目录 报告摘要 345613161923调研方法 主要洞察影响消费者购买音频产品的重要驱动因素重点关注特性 : 空间音频联网音频设备概述重点关注产品 : 真无线耳塞音频产品的应用场景趋势 *All percentages, consumer behaviors and attitudes stated in this report are based only on the responses of the individuals who participated in our survey.3Executive SummaryThe State of Sound report compiles key findings from extensive audio research with consumers across the world. The 2022 study had 6,000 smartphone users as participants, examining the factors that influence audio device purchases, as well as interest in present and potential usage scenarios. The report is intended to make it easier to understand the qualities that consumers seek in earbuds, headphones, speakers, and other audio equipment. The focus of this year’s research is on the growth of the true wireless earbud category, growing interest in spatial audio, and the continued importance of lossless and high-res audio quality. Sound has never been more important. Many consumers today make extensive use of their audio devices throughout the day, from commuting, to watching videos, playing games, working remotely, and listening to music. Globally, the most in-demand personal electronic devices are smartphones, smart speakers, and true wireless earbuds. As smartphone capabilities continue to become richer, consumers are increasingly looking for advanced features in their audio devices, such as lossless audio quality and spatial audio functionality. Globally, there is now a shiƒ to a hybrid working model as we see restrictions ease post-pandemic. Our research has found that these shiƒs may be happening more slowly than expected, but are still having a notable impact on audio device use for commuting and work-related calls. Active noise cancellation remains the highest-ranked rich audio feature, joined by lossless audio as a heavily desired feature, with audio savvy listeners demanding higher-quality audio year-on-year. Gaming has also accelerated in popularity, providing an opportunity for manufacturers to add new features such as voice back-channelling, lower latency and other gaming-related benefits in next-gen audio products.报告摘要《音频产品使用现状调研报告》汇集了面向全球消费者进行的广泛的音频研究洞察。2022 年的报告基于 6000 名智能手机用户的调研数据,揭示了影响消费者购买音频设备的驱动因素,以及对当前和潜在使用场景的兴趣程度。本报告致力于更好地了解消费者对于耳塞、耳机、音箱和其他音频设备品质的追求。 今年的调研报告重点关注不断扩大的真无线耳塞市场、消费者对空间音频兴趣的增长、以及重要性不断提升的无损与高分辨率的音质。如今,音频的重要性已经不言而喻。从日常通勤、观看视频、畅玩游戏、远程办公到聆听音乐,消费者每天都在大量地使用他们的音频设备。在全球,最常用的个人电子设备是智能手机、智能音箱和真无线耳塞。随着智能手机功能进一步丰富,消费者也不断追求音频设备带来的更多先进特性,如无损音质和空间音频功能。随着后疫情时代全球防疫限制逐渐放宽,人们的办公模式正向混合办公模式转变。我们的研究发现,这些转变的发生可能会比预期的要慢,但仍对通勤和工作通话相关音频设备的使用产生显著影响。主动降噪仍然是受访者最看重的一项音频设备特性,而随着精通音频的消费者对更高质量音频需求的同比增长,无损音频也成为了一个拥有强烈需求的功能,同时,随着游戏的快速流行,这也为设备制造商在其下一代音频产品中增加例如语音回传通道,低时延等新的游戏相关特性创造了重要机遇。 *本报告中涉及的所有百分比、消费者行为和态度仅基于本次调研的受访者的回答。 This year’s report has been co-authored with SAR Insight & Consulting, the audio technology industry analysts. Alongside results of the survey, SAR has used its vast amount of research to qualify trends that are seen in the market. This largely comes from the following service topics:• TWS Audio & UI Technologies • Headphones & Headsets • Home AV Equipment • Audio So…ware and IP *All percentages, consumer behaviors and attitudes stated in this report are based only on the responses of the individuals who participated in our survey.4Research methodology Locations United States, United Kingdom, Germany, China, India and Japan Demographic Smartphone users aged 18-64 years Sample size 1,000 per country Research conducted July 2022调研方法调研市场:调研人群:每个国家的样本数量:美国、英国、德国、中国、印度和日本 18-64岁的智能手机用户 1000名调研时间: 2022年7月今年的报告是与音频技术行业分析机构 SAR Insight & Consulting 合作撰写。 除调研结果外,SAR 还利用大量的研究以描述可见的市场趋势。这些趋势主要来自以下服务主题 :•真无线音频和UI 技术•耳机和头戴式耳机•家庭AV设备 •音频软件和IP *本报告中涉及的所有百分比、消费者行为和态度仅基于本次调研的受访者的回答。 LE*All percentages, consumer behaviors and attitudes stated in this report are based only on the responses of the individuals who participated in our survey.5Key findingsListeners are more driven by audio quality than ever 58% of respondents are seeking either high-resolution or lossless audio quality.Spatial Audio is the next “must-have” featureMore than half of respondents claimed spatial audio will have an influence on their decision to buy their next pair of true wireless earbuds, and 41% said they would be willing to spend more for the feature. True wireless earbuds are becoming integral to mobile gamingGamers are using true wireless earbuds for an average of ~2 hours a day to play on their smartphones.Battery life is still a key driver for speakersBattery life is the #1 purchase driver for wireless speakers, with long battery life now expected as standard for true wireless