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A report from the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions and the Deloitte Health Equity InstituteCan more US consumers be swayed to take the COVID-19 vaccine? Overcoming access, trust, hesitancy, and other barriers Findings from the 2021 consumer vaccine survey Deloitte’s commitment to health equity: Through the Deloitte Health Equity Institute, Deloitte and the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions are expanding their decades-long commitment to aligning health care ecosystems to positively impact health outcomes. Grounded in its declaration of racism as a public health crisis, the Deloitte Health Equity Institute is dedicated to amplifying the need for a crisis response by sharing our most impactful learnings, extending the efforts of others, and meaningfully contributing to broader health equity discussions.By conducting original research and disseminating findings, the institute aims to help drive data-based equitable outcomes, as well as activate interventions that address systemic inequities. In doing so, Deloitte hopes to improve the drivers of health that play a role in improving health care ecosystems.Your source for fresh perspectives: The Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, part of Deloitte LLP’s Life Sciences and Health Care practice and research arm of the Deloitte Health Equity Institute, delves deeper into your top-of-mind issues and provides fresh thinking around complex challenges. Timely, relevant research and thought-provoking analyses deliver insight to help you see solutions through a new lens. ConnectTo learn more about the Deloitte Health Equity Institute, please visit www.deloitte.com/centerforhealthsolutions. To learn more about the center and all of our research, please visit www.deloitte.com/centerforhealthsolutions For quick takes and personal perspectives on trends in life sciences and health care, read the Health Forward blog at: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/blog/health-care-blog.html EngageSubscribe to receive periodic emails on the topics you find interesting at www.deloitte.com/us/LSHC-subscribe. Follow us on Twitter: @DeloitteHealth About the Deloitte Health Equity Institute, a part of the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions Deloitte’s Life Sciences & Health Care Consulting ServicesInnovation starts with insight and seeing challenges in a new way. Amid unprecedented uncertainty and change across the industry, stakeholders are looking for new ways to transform the journey of care. Deloitte’s US Life Sciences & Health Care practice helps clients transform uncertainty into possibility and rapid change into lasting progress. Comprehensive audit, advisory, consulting, and tax capabilities can deliver value at every step, from insight to strategy to action. Learn more. Executive summary 2Findings 4More consumers can be swayed than originally thought: Opportunities to convince the unvaccinated 13Endnotes 19Contents 2AS OF NOVEMBER 2021, 30% of the US adult population is not fully vaccinated against COVID-19.1 Despite hopes earlier this year that vaccination rates would be higher at this point in the pandemic, the numbers are not as high as anticipated.Health care, government, and life science organizations had a sharp learning curve to determine deployment strategies that ensured supply was accessible and equitable, in addition to assuring consumer confidence that the vaccines are effective and safe. Consumer sentiment around vaccines has shifted and continues to shift as the pandemic evolves. It has been almost a year since the first COVID-19 vaccine became available. What have we learned about consumer perspectives on vaccines that can be applied going forward to vaccination in general?Deloitte conducted a nationally representative study of 3,000 US adults (18 and older), which included an oversample of 1,200 non–fully-vaccinated individuals. The national sample is representative of the US census with respect to age, gender, race/ethnicity, income, geography, and insurance source. We explored the sentiments of various consumer cohorts by vaccine status including:• Former deliberators—currently vaccinated, but were formerly uncertain• Want the vaccine, but not yet vaccinated—those who want the vaccine but haven’t received it yet• One dose but not the second—those who got the first dose but have not scheduled the second shot• Unvaccinated and “on the fence”—those who have not decided yet if they want the vaccine• Only if required—unvaccinated and do not want the vaccine, but will if required • Never/refuse—unvaccinated and say they would never get the vaccine• Fully vaccinated and were never uncertain We found that:• Across all income levels, access, scheduling, and convenient hours are still barriers to vaccination for those who want the vaccine. –Transpor