Online labor platforms have emerged as a new way of organizing work, rapidly expanding across the globe. These platforms have the potential to connect refugees with the global economy, allowing them to make a living and upskill. However, the digital gig economy also presents challenges in terms of adequate access to labor and social protections.
Facilitating Access to Work
Reducing Work-Related Risks and Costs
Improving Working Conditions
Providing Opportunities to Build Skills and Expertise
These emerging practices present a win-win scenario for both the workers from communities affected by forced displacement and the platforms themselves. Platforms can attract socially conscious clients, tap into a larger pool of talent, and benefit from a diverse workforce. Workers from communities affected by forced displacement can help platforms expand the range of services they offer and win new markets, providing a more competitive marketplace and increasing its appeal to clients.
This research was prepared under the aegis of the UNDP project "Facilitating Digitally Enabled Livelihoods for Refugee Populations and Host Communities" and the PROSPECTS Opportunity Fund project "Promotion, Inclusion, and Protection of Refugees and Host Communities in the Gig Economy." It was supported financially by the Swiss Development Corporation and the Government of the Netherlands. The report was prepared under the guidance of Yuko Hirose of the UNDP and Zulum Avila of the ILO. It acknowledges the contributions of various organizations, key informants, and individuals involved in surveys and interviews.