Concawe Science Executive Marta Yugo presented at the International Transport Forum Virtual Workshop on April 13, 2021, on the Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) methods to support India's decarbonization of transportation. The report discussed the extension of LCA from individual LCAs to more comprehensive methods to support India's transportation decarbonization. The report also highlighted the European Refining Environmental Science (Concawe) members' commitment to providing scientific information to support the development of policies and legislation that are technically feasible and cost-effective. The report also discussed the European Commission's 2050 strategy for a "clean planet for all" and the impact assessment of 2030 on achieving a net-zero carbon emission target by 2050. The report further discussed the JEC WTW v5 methodology, which is a consequential approach to guide judgments about the potential benefits of alternative traditional fuels and vehicles. The report also highlighted the importance of considering the methodology and data sets used in the analysis when applying JEC results. The report also discussed the role of different fuels and powertrains in achieving the decarbonization of transportation and the importance of considering the resource categories and the TRL and CRL levels for each WTT pathway. The report also discussed the role of CCS in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the different types of alternative fuels and powertrains that can provide a low-carbon WTW.