work environment? 1. Outdated technology 2. Information gaps 3. Lack of device security"Empower Frontline Workers With Cloud ExperiencesFrontline workers are the backbone of any organization, yet they often face barriers that hinder their productivity and customer experience. Outdated technology, information gaps, and lack of device security are just a few of the challenges they face. However, cloud-native devices offer a solution. They provide greater reliability, better access to critical job-related information, and increased device security, which in turn improves customer experience and boosts frontline productivity. By shifting to cloud-native devices, enterprises can deliver better technology to their frontline workers, helping them to produce more and deliver a better customer experience. Key Findings include: 1. Frontline workers are regularly hindered by technology problems that impact worker productivity and customer experience. 2. Frontline workers want technologies that support continuous productivity, simplify communication, and enable greater self-service. 3. A shift to cloud-native devices could alleviate many of the problems that frontline workers currently face. In conclusion, empowering frontline workers with cloud experiences is a win-win for both the workers and the organization.