DIIS Report 2021: Information and the Lives of West African Migrants en Route to Europe
The DIIS report explores the knowledge and needs of West African migrants en route to Europe. The report highlights the importance of information in saving the lives of migrants during their journey. The report emphasizes that migrants should never let themselves be tricked into going to Libya, be ready to see and experience anything, and never trust anyone, even people they come to consider friends.
The report also highlights the experiences of Saliou, a migrant who returned to Senegal after attempting to reach Italy through Libya. Saliou was held for ransom by bandits for nine months in a prison in Libya, where he survived on meagre food rations, was forced to work without pay, and saw other migrants killed when their families were unable to pay a ransom. Saliou's family did not have money either, and although he had more luck and was not killed, he still felt like a slave.
The report emphasizes the importance of providing migrants with accurate and reliable information about the migration route, including the risks and challenges they may face. The report also highlights the need for support and assistance for stranded migrants, including access to food, shelter, and medical care.
Overall, the DIIS report highlights the importance of information in saving the lives of West African migrants en route to Europe. The report emphasizes the need for accurate and reliable information, support and assistance for stranded migrants, and a better understanding of the challenges and risks they may face during their journey.