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NEW AUTUMN PRODCTS轻文艺I 慢生活I 自在由心 ABOUT USEntrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization. 50%轻文艺系列40%知性优雅系列10%设计师系列 目标消费群体①②③④ ONLY低价位高价位个性化大众化ZARAH&MMM麦檬哥弟EIN言ICICLE之禾MU Early in the day it was whisperedthat we should sail in a boatonly thou and Iand never a soul in the worldwould know of this our pilgrimageto no country and to no end 静谧的油画笔触落在飘逸的裙摆上亦静亦动,就像港口的夕阳波光一面乘着暖阳西下,一面卷走岸上的吵杂声 TERMINAL STORE IMAGEAcompanyisanassociationorcollectionofindividuals,whethernaturalpersons,legalpersons,oramixtureofboth.Companymembersshareacommonpurposeanduniteinordertofocustheirvarioustalentsandorganize Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativity involved. Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo, part-time projects to large-scale. Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativity involved. Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo, part-time projects to large-scale.TERMINAL STORE IMAGE#BeiheNew Image Store升级全新形象#9dy赋能品牌生活阅读概念阅读自己,阅读诗篇崇尚自然,用细的触感舒适的设计,文艺的内在感受通过空间去倾听、回应、传达 Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativity involved. Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo, part-time projects to large-scale.