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暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛中国· 曲靖Forum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching ConferenceQujing, China 会议概况01参会人员02会议流程03氛围布置04执行资源05活动筹备06中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference费用预算07 会议概况01中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference 中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference01会议概况举办单位活动目的2020年10月21日(星期三14:30-20:00)曲靖官房大酒店二楼(会盟厅)时间地点 活动主题时间地点中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference01会议概况举办单位活动目的主办单位:曲靖经济技术开发区管理委员会承办单位:曲靖市投资促进局、曲靖市文化和旅游局、曲靖市文学艺术界联合会协办单位:曲靖伟光汇通文化旅游开发有限公司、曲靖二爨书法研究所 时间地点中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference01会议概况举办单位活动目的1、深入贯彻落实习近平总书记对文艺工作的重要论述和考察云南重要讲话精神,充分发掘曲靖独特文化资源,不断拓展爨文化研讨范围,传承和推广爨文化,进一步提升曲靖文化软实力和影响力。2、充分挖掘曲靖爨文化,坚持创造性转化,创新性发展,提升爨文化学术高度,弘扬爨文化延伸价值,传承曲靖文化传统,彰显曲靖文化魅力。3、紧扣爨文化主题,爨文化旅游小镇充分融入爨文化内容,将爨文化与小镇特色相结合,同时,对爨文化未来与新文旅时代发展进行展望,将爨文化用更多,更易于现代人接受的方式,呈现在小镇的建设和运营中;4、借机传播曲靖人文旅游资源,树立良好的曲靖城市形象,通过政府引导扶持、企业建设运营、社会各方参与等一系列手段使爨文化与曲靖城市发展共建共荣。 中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference参会人员02 中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference02参会人员人员名单媒体代表附件一、主要参会人员名单 中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference02参会人员公司人员媒体代表媒体代表(40人)人民网云南信息报云南都市时报国际商报春城晚报曲靖电视台曲靖电台曲靖M快手曲靖吃喝玩乐珠江网搜狐曲靖资讯掌上曲靖一部手机游云南早安曲靖曲靖微生活房天下安居客今日头条腾讯新潮传媒持续更新...... 中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference会议流程03 03会议流程中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference13:30-14:30签到14:30-15:00启动仪式15:00-17:00城市论坛17:00-17:50签约仪式18:20-20:00晚宴附件二、会议流程 中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference氛围布置04 04氛围布置二层平面会场平面中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference一层平面 04氛围布置二层平面会场平面中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference一层平面氛围 04氛围布置二层平面会场平面中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference一层平面 04氛围布置外场指引大堂签到区域中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference主KV画面二楼通道区域 04氛围布置外场指引大堂签到区域中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban and Cuan culture in the era of cultural tourismAnd Cuan cultural town (global) investment launching Conference主KV画面停车入口导视背景注水道旗路引二楼通道区域 二楼通道区域04氛围布置外场指引大堂签到区域中国· 曲靖暨爨文化小镇(全球)招商启动大会大文旅时代城市与爨文化融合发展高峰论坛Qujing, ChinaForum on the integration and development of urban a