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Specific Operational Recommendations per Project to Address Violence Against Women and Girls in Central America Portfolio Prioritized Projects

Specific Operational Recommendations per Project to Address Violence Against Women and Girls in Central America Portfolio Prioritized Projects

Specific Operational Recommendations per Project to Address Violence Against Women and Girls in Central America Portfolio Prioritized ProjectsPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure Authorized This note was prepared by Ursula Casabonne (Consultant) under the guidance of Manuel Contreras-Urbina (Senior Social Development Specialist) and Diana Catalina Buitrago Orozco (Consultant), Social Sustainability and Inclusion Global Practice. Published: June 2023 World BankSpecific operational recommendations per project to address Violence Against Women and Girls in Central America portfolio prioritized projectsPag. 3ACRONYMSAGRAgriculture AFAdditional FinancingCCTConditional cash transferCOMRURALInnovación para Competitividad Rural en Honduras (Integrating Innovation for Rural Competitiveness in Honduras)DRMDisaster Risk Management ECDEarly childhood development EEXEnergy and Extractives GBVGender-Based ViolenceHNPHealth, Nutrition, and PopulationIPFInvestment Project FinancingOMOperations ManualOPRRural Producers OrganizationPADProject Appraisal DocumentPCNProject Concept NotePIDProject Information DocumentPSDEBusiness Development Service ProvidersP TAParent Teacher AssociationsSDSSocial Development SpecialistSEASexual Exploitation and AbuseSHSexual HarassmentS PJSocial Protection and Jobs TATechnical AssistanceTORTerms of Reference TOTTraining of trainers TTLTask Team LeaderURLUrban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and LandVAWGViolence against Women and GirlsWEEWomen’s economic empowerment ContentsBackground5Methodology7Violence against women and girls Prevention and Response Entry Points in Central America projects12Agriculture13Honduras - Integrating Innovation for Rural Competitiveness in Honduras (COMRURAL III) (P174328)16Guatemala - Responding to Covid-19: Modern and Resilient Agri-Food Value Chains (P173480)17Panama - Sustainable Rural Development and Biodiversity Conservation (P174289)18Health and Education18El Salvador - Growing Up Healthy Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development (P169677)23El Salvador - Growing up and Learning Together: Comprehensive Early Childhood Development (P171316)23Honduras - Early Childhood Education Improvement Project (P169161)23Social Protection24Honduras - Additional Financing Social Protection Integration Project (P175718)26Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land26Honduras - Tropical Cyclones ETA and IOTA Emergency Recovery Project (P175977) 29Nicaragua - Property Rights Strengthening Project (P163531)30Annex 1. World Bank’s Screening for SEA/SH Risk31 World BankPag. 5Spacigc oparetionel racommandetions par projact to eddrass Violanca Ayeinst Woman end Girls in Cantrel Amarice portfolio prioritizad projactsBackground World BankSpecific operational recommendations per project to address Violence Against Women and Girls in Central America portfolio prioritized projectsPag. 6BACKGROUNDThis brief is part of the Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA) Mitigating Gender-Based Violence risks and expanding the GBV portfolio in Central America (P175262) that aims to review LC21 projects both in preparation and implementation phases to identify key entry points to address Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).The ASA comprises six documents, including: i) How-To Note: A Tool for Integrating Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Prevention and Response Actions in World Bank Operations; ii) Portfolio Review: VAWG Prevention and Response Opportunities in FY1 Pipeline Investment Project Financing (IPF) Projects in LC2; iii) Diagnosis of VAWG in Central America; iv) Analysis of Gender Based Violence (GBV) Prevention Opportunities per Sector, and v) Mapping of GBV Service Providers in LC2. The screening process and criteria is spelled out in more detail in the methodological tool “How-To Note: Tool for Integrating Prevention and Response Actions for Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in World Bank Operations”This review sought to identify VAWG prevention and response actions beyond Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH), which are part of the risk mitigation strategy that is included in a project’s social risk assessment. In some cases, activities that will support mitigation of SEA/SH risks are also included. This brief is divided into two sections. The first discusses the methodology that was followed for the LC2 portfolio review and the second describes the sector and the VAWG prevention and response actions recommended for the priority projects selected. 1 LC2 Country Management Unit (CMU) includes the following countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panamá. World BankPag. 7Spacigc oparetionel racommandetions par projact to eddrass V