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Mark GurmanApple’s (AAPL) First Mixed-Reality Headset ArrivesAfter Years in Developmentbloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-06-04/apple-s-aapl-first-mixed-reality-headset-arrives-after-years-in-development-lihfkxgwApple’s next big thing is finally here, with the company set toannounce its mixed-reality headset at WWDC on Monday. Also: Anexclusive look at Apple’s plans to expand its retail stores in Asia andremodel locations in the US, Europe and elsewhere. 苹果公ø的Q一个大Ïþ终于到来了,该公ø将于周一在 WWDC 发_其混\Ā实头盔2ßp: 独家报道苹果在Þ洲的ö售店扩张计划,以及在美ÿ1欧洲和其他地方的ö售店改造计划2Last week in Power On: An early hands-on with the Meta Quest 3,which could be one of Apple’s early headset rivals.P周发表在 Power On: Meta Quest 3P的一篇文章,该产品ÿ能是苹果î期的耳机竞争对手之一2 The Starters开胃菜Apple’s Tim Cook and Craig Federighi at WWDC last year. 苹果公ø的蒂姆 ·ß克和克÷格 · 费德Ý]去€在全球开发者大会PPhotographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg 摄影: David Paul Morris/彭博社Over the past two decades or so, Apple Inc. has released a numberof industry-shifting products: the iPod in 2001, the iPhone in 2007,the iPad in 2010 and the Apple Watch in 2015.在过去20€þô的时间Ý,苹果公ø发_了一系列产业转型产品:2001€的 iPod,2007€的 iPhone,2010€的 iPad 和2015€的Apple Watch2On Monday, the company hopes to do it all over again — this timewith its first mixed-reality headset. While no product will ever live upto the iPhone, the headset has the potential to usher in a new era: Itcould kick off the shift to a different interface that upends how peoplework, play games and entertain themselves. 周一,该公ø希望再来一次——à一次,它将è出首款混\Ā实的耳机2虽然没p一款产品能P iPhone 相媲美,但是à款耳机pÿ能迎来一个ð时代: 它ÿ能会开启一个全ð的界面,颠覆人们的ý作1游o和娱乐方式2It’s also a risky endeavor that could backfire for Apple. Mixed-realityheadsets are still a nascent field, and many people are hesitant towear a computer on their face. The Apple device also willhave design quirks, such as an external battery pack, and a price tagof roughly $3,000. Moreover, it may not have a <killer app= when itlaunches. à也是一个p风险的尝试,ÿ能会适得其反2混\Ā实耳机Ï然是一个ðt的领域,许多人都在犹豫是否要把电脑戴在脸P2à款苹果设备ßp一ß设计特点,比如外置电池组,ÿ格大þ在3000美元þô2l外,它启动时ÿ能没p<杀手ÿà用程序=2But I believe — like Apple — that the headset could be the future ofthe computer and that the company needs to start somewhere.While the first model will likely be a flop in terms of unit sales — atleast compared with Apple’s other categories — the company couldstill become the market leader within a matter of quarters.但q和苹果一样,认~耳机ÿ能是电脑的未来,公ø需要Ð某个地方着手2}管就销量而言(至少P苹果的其它产品相比) ,第一款机型ÿ能是一次失败,但该公øÏpÿ能在几个季þ内p~^场领导者2More significantly, I expect that future versions will fix problems inthe first model — such as nausea complaints, performance hiccups,overheating concerns and a lack of cellular connectivity — and bringdown the price. Apple is already working on two follow-ups: a proversion and a downscale model. 更Þ要的是,q预计未来的版本将解决第一款机型的问题,并降Pÿ格2àß问题包括恶心的抱h1g能问题1过热问题和手机连接O足2苹果þ经在做两个后续产品: 一个是专业版本,一个是P端版 本2While it might take three or five years for a headset to become a hit,it’s hard to bet against the company’s marketing, engineering andsales prowess. If anyone can make this product category a success,it’s Apple.虽然一款耳机ÿ能需要O到五€的时间o能p~畅销产品,但是很难对该公ø的^场营销1ý程设计和销售能力Q赌注2如果p人能让à个产品类别取得pß,那一定是苹果2The headset announcement will be part of Apple’s keynote addressat its Worldwide Developers Conference, and it’s likely to be a longpresentation — more than two hours — in order to jam everythingin. Beyond the headset, Apple has to cover myriad changes to itssoftware platforms and the company is expected to roll out othernew hardware, such as fresh Macs.à一耳机声明将是苹果在全球开发者大会(Worldwide DevelopersConference)P发表的题演讲的一部分,很ÿ能是一个长达两个多小时的演讲,以便把所p东西都塞进去2除了耳机,苹果ß必须覆盖其软þĀ的无数变化,预计该公øß将è出其它ð硬þ,如ð款Mac 电脑2Like last year, the keynote will be a prerecorded video playedoutside at the Apple Park headquarters, but the space will be shadedand larger, letting the company accommodate more people.Apple’s <State of the Union= presentation, which is targetedat developers, will follow the keynote. 像去€一样,题演讲将是在苹果公园总部外播放预先录制好的视频,但是空间将变得阴暗和更大,让公ø容纳更多的人2苹果针对开发者的<ÿ情咨文=演讲将紧随í发言2I’m told that Apple has set up two demonstration areas to show offthe new products. One spot will be inside the Steve Jobs Theater,possibly to highlight the new Macs. The other will be a temporary structure that’s a roughly 15-minute walk away — atop the ApplePark soccer field and by its basketball courts — and it will likelyhouse the headset.q被告知苹果公øþ经设立了两个展示区来展示ð产品2其中一个广告O将在ó蒂{ · 乔_ï剧院展出,ÿ能是~了突出展示ð款 Mac 电脑2另一个是一个临时建筑,m行大þ15分钟即ÿ到达,O于苹果公园(Apple Park)足球场和篮球场的顶端2à个建筑很ÿ能会安装耳机2This structure has been under construction for weeks and is quitelarge. It should allow Apple to show off the headset in a quieter,climate-controlled environment — for a select group that Applewants to see the headset. The company built a similar structure forthe Apple Watch launch in 2014.à个建筑þ经施ý了几个星期了,相当大2àà该能让苹果在一个更安静1气候ÿç的ÿ境中展示à款耳机ーー对于苹果希望看到à款耳机的特定群体而言2该公ø~2014€苹果手表(Apple Watch)的发_设计了类似的结构2We’ll know more on Monday at 1 p.m. Eastern/10 a.m. Pacific, whenthe keynote is slated to begin.q们将在周一东部时间Q午1点/z洋时间P午10点了解更多信息,届时题演讲将开始2Here a









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