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sailssustainableRetail staying ontrackNov 2022 可试芭过行What's next for retail?2022 is more likcly to bc a tougl yearlong terim visio co capture naw trendsSome brancs have included CScfor the relail indusry. Tolal relail salesof consume' goods 'n about 23'i: pflocations. They have: also beencities poster s cantrartion by the endIninipvatio7 and sustainability 3ath is atthe care of future rerail develapment.adopring more nvironmenr-friendlyof August. Of the 20 tearured cities inmace ials 'n-store, injecting localchis report, orly Ningbo recordcdIndeec, we noticed in his repor thatculcura. fcatures rcl inestin more irgruwlh, up S% fiorn lust year. Thebrands with higlicr EsG awarciesscommunily developimanl. while curesporadic lockdawns have greatlyp ine locations may be a safe chaiceaffected tenants'revenues, causingcertificatipni, recorced 1 pot higher in-"ar mnst hrands, places wich uniquechem co be cautious abouc tl'eirstore axpansian chan the cverall retailculcura. traits can also potentially tascxpansionrs in chc thi'cl quarter.niarket. Ta's signifies chat 5ach lbrandsa'c bcttcr recognised 2r cl t iereroreirco a widcrcons.lmer cxpcricnc2.The inlerruption of Lhe epidemicwil. likely be mure conlidenil in seekirgThe uincerleinly in he exlerna.lockdown zs brewec prafoundout ppportunities to crea.e: a lastingenviranrr ent is zr 'maartant crive' afchanges ir tfe ecanamic andinflue ice in a higfly cn petitivechange in rerail develapr ent. We willconsuimption env'roment, therebyniarket.-qrther ciscuss sustainablecalling tor an active responsc from allclcvclopmant tor rctail in the tollowringperLies. Nu r'1e ller the shoi l-lermrepurls.expansipr strategy, a arzrd need:s a 可行时ContentsNew Stores20 citiesTransforrmationIriterna tional brands haveHaw are cities' rankings irAs giezn consumplio'1 cornesgeneral.y s.owed down the'rterms of su stainabilityindicatars? will shanghai.inlo Ihe .irnelight. whal does ilexpansior in the Chineserarkel, bul sarre segenlsBeijing, Sher zhe1 ands Jstainabilily slr alegies?sl ill ou.perlormed beyondChangcu maintain the'r .ead?sile selecl'on slralegies.4-1213-1819-23 ALOISIUSBRANDStore ExpansionWhat brands should consider in the new normal? Despite the lingering pandemnic and uncertainties in the globapolitical and economic environment, international brands stillcxpandcd in thc Chinese mainland market. The store growth in2022hassignificantlysloweddownfromlastyearbutremained 2 ppts ligher than in 2020.Store Growth, 2015-20225%10%5%05515 Entry luxury brands opennew stores amid slowerexpansionL.Jxury brand expansion is now inE try luxury hrand expansion has alsarespite after recordirg che highestslowed cown a: 1.9% of the averagestore o9ering ratc in fivc ycars in 2021score =rowth. Ncverch.css. b r311c sI he stores have 'ncreased 3.s Yoycont'nule to leva. up che playing fielc 2yrruc1 slower than Lhe 13.5,'n 2021inlr oci Licirig new concepLs inilo LheirFaw luxury malls .aunched in the paststoras such as Swarouski opening its12 mont as, msinly in Shanghai, wWuharfirst Asia wonderlab flagship store irand Fuzhol, boosting Shallghai' sShangliai, a 600 scuare nctcr sitcconcentracion ot luxury b'ancs ancfostering unic ue spatial experiencepushing wuhan up the loth ranking forIhr ough co.our >, funclicris arictha firs: cire in terms of reta'l brancIayou:s. Among the rewly srtrladpermiez Lion rale.brands, Amiopened over ll outletsL.Jxury brand: with gaad sto'e ESGaftcr its first store in Beijing in 2018 anclextendec to more l ier 2 cities incluidingperformance (represented by LFFDChpigging, Nanjirg and Zhergzhou. Ilcertificat'onj cxpandecl 7.696 YoY, tasccralsa has a duty-free shoa in Haina 1.than the average. Gucci, Cartierarid Baler'ciaga have ppe ned LEEDZimmerimarn and Anbush also openedcertified newr stores whilst Pradathcir otflinc stores. Thc C 'ncse markecpledged 300 LEED-cerrified globalis increasingly becoming destinationstorc5 by 2022,[or rnore designer b'arncs Lo expandreach.their sales r d widen their m arket 可芭过行对?Brands seek upgradeMass 2ppar2. storcs have inc'cascdbc it online or ottlinc. Arket, thcU.6% YuY, cown2 ppls [rum last yeer.us.aiiable fashion brard uncelThe irnpact: frorn spor:s brand:H&M, F as seftled in Be jing.coup.ed with campet'rian ir theShanghai and Guangzhou. Anotharlou-price procluct lines from5econd-line brand COs has a highcmcrgine local chincsc brands havadcmand tor storc openings, opcningpuisred in Ler1ational brarids Loall ils new uullels in Shanghai andoccupy the market with higher-priceHangzhou in the past 12 mant 7s.pror.uct lines or second-line hrands.Hangzhou is the only city an the listMany brands had n'et t eir leasetha: 'ecorded growth of overcxpi'ation atter thcir initialio3s tor both mass 2'cl middle endexpa'sion i CFina.Against theapparel brands in 2022. Though Tiercurrent co 7amic backgrou nd,3 cities outside aur index ranking arebrands have becae stricter wi:hbt.lish with expansio1 apporst.rities,site selection and leasing tern's.our sample cities





