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PUBLIC SECTOR2022-23 TECHNO VISION2022 BEING LIKE WAT E RForeword 04Introduction 06Being Like Water 07Overview of TechnoVision 08You Experience 10We Collaborate 16Thriving on Data 22Process on the Fly 28Applications Unleashed 34Invisible Infostructure 40Balance by Design 46A few more things across the public sector 5422TECHNOVISION 2022-23: PUBLIC SECTOR TECHNO VISION2022 BEING LIKE WAT E R10162228344640YOU EXPERIENCETHRIVING ON DATAPROCESS ON THE FLYAPPLICATIONS UNLEASHEDINVISIBLE INFOSTRUCTUREBALANCE BY DESIGNWE COLLABORATE3 FOREWORDGovernments worldwide are responding to disruption on a grand scale.Geopolitical conflicts have escalated. Supply chain bottlenecks and labor constraints persist. Economic factors – especially high inflation, rising interest rates and volatile commodity prices – threaten the social fabric. And as the climate warms, new sustainability realities are biting hard in the form of droughts, floods, wildfires and food shortages. This is an era of profound, mounting, interconnected crises.The times we are in call for big policy responses from our governments. The era of managing the status quo more efficiently is over. To address the most pressing problems our societies now face, they will need to adopt a mission-oriented approach that mobilizes resources from the public sector, private sector and civil society. They will need to strategize, organize and deliver in new ways to deliver far-reaching changes and transformational outcomes. In this context, technology is a vital enabler.Technology is a constantly evolving toolbox that can be used to overcome diverse challenges. With the effective use of technology and data, public sector organizations can help deliver better services to citizens, make better use of resources, create smarter and greener places to live, and provide better healthcare and education to the people who call these places home. In this data-enabled environment, technology determines the winners.However, technology also determines the losers. Technology can be used to improve society, but it can also exacerbate inequalities. Governments have a duty to ensure that the ways they use technology to shape the world do not lead to societal exclusion for anyone. To ensure that states and organizations use technology in a sustainable and inclusive way, a proactive and comprehensive conversation between public sector stakeholders and IT is key. That’s where we can help. To enable a more fruitful dialog, we 44TECHNOVISION 2022-23: PUBLIC SECTOR are delighted to introduce the public sector edition of TechnoVision, our annual guide to the technology trends that all public sector organizations should be considering today.TechnoVision is a unique and proven source of technology advice written by our leading experts across the Capgemini Group. This public sector edition brings together technology-driven, real-life studies from all forms of government. These stories are written by a diverse team of top practitioners and experts across 12 countries and from many of our organizational units, always with the goal of showing how and where these technologies can add value. The theme of TechnoVision 2022 is “Being Like Water,” with a focus on key concepts such as fl uid adaptability, agility, and resourcefulness. This focus is apposite given the challenges faced by governments during the past couple of years. The pandemic required rapid responses across the public sector, from the overnight transition to home working and the establishment of online-only delivery models, to the rise of telehealth and the creation of systems to help manage patient care and vaccinations in healthcare organizations. The pandemic highlighted clearly how rapidly the public sector must deal with change. Organizations had to scale up critical infrastructure and applications in weeks (or even days), leverage key data for decision making, and work across organizational boundaries and formerly impenetrable borders of responsibility. More broadly, we believe the pandemic response is a dry run for the upcoming transformation towards a sustainable, societal development model. This model demands unprecedented change in a short time. More impactful changes will be called