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FINTECHINLATINAMERICAANDTHECARIBBEANAConsolidatedEcosystemforRecoveryFinnovistaIDBIDBIInvest IDBFinnovistaIDBIInvest JEL classifications: O33, G2, G21, G32, G38, P43Keywordis: fintech, bigtech, entrepreneurship, Latin America, Carib bean, gender, financial regulationfinancial inclusion, digital payments, crowdfundling. digital banking, finance management, crecit scoring.regulatcr y sandbox, inncvation hub.Copyright @ 2022 Inter-American Develooment Bank. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons IGO 3.OAttribution-NonConmercial-NoDerivatives (CC-IGO BY-NC-ND 3 O IGO) Icense (https://creativecommons.arg/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.o/igo/legalcode) and may be reprocluced vith attriouticn to the IDB and for any nonc ormmercial ourpose. No cerivative work is a lowed.A.ny dispute related to the Use of the works of the IDB that cannot be settled crmicably shall b subrmittecl toarbitraticn pursuant to the UNC/TRAL rules. The use of the IDB's name for ony purpose other than for ettribution.and the use of the IDB's logo shall be subject to a separate written license agreement between the IDB and theuser and is not authcrized as part of this CC-IGO license.Note that the ink provided above includes additional tarms and conditions of tne liconse.The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authcrs and do not necessarily reflect the views of theInter-Armerican Duveloprment Bank. its Board of Directors, or the countries they represent.Inter-American Development Bank130O New York Aven.e, N WVWashingtcn, D.C. 2O577wwwjado.crgThe Institutions for Develooment Sector w=s responsible for the prodluction of this publicationExternal vendorsProducticn Ecitor. Sarah Schineller (A&S Information Partners. LLC)Editcr: Amy Scott (Nomaa Enterprises. LLC)Design: Agencia Felicidac Foreword, IDB5Foreword, Finnovista8SummaryContents6Recognition and AuthorsIntroduction12Chapter 1: Overview of the Latin American and Caribbean FintechEcosystem13• Geographical Distribution anc Main Markets20: Main Segrnents39• Maturity International zation, and Challenges48• Cybarsecurity51Chapter 2: Investment in the Latin American and Caribbean Fintech Sector55Financing63• Investrmrent Opportunities64Chapter 3: The Rise of Digital Banking in Latin America and the Caribbean66• Evolution and Characteristics70• Market Niches76Chapter 4: Fintech and Financial Inclusion in Latin America and theCaribbean78. Financial Inclusion Fintech Startu ps79• Geographical Distribution and Finoncial Inclusicn Fintech Solutions88Chapter 5: The Growing Role of Women in the Fintech Sector in the Region90: VVornen's Particication in the Fintech Ecosystem92• Investing in Womien-Led Fintech Ventures96• VVomen in tne Fintech Vorkforce98• Vvornen as Users of Fintech Services105Chapter 6: The Competitive Envlronment of the Fintech Sector In LatinAmerica and the Caribbean107: The Relationship between Fintech Companies and Financiallnstitutionsand Its Evolution109• Mergers and Acquisitions112• Eigtech in Financial Services115Chapter 7: Insurtech: Insurance Innovation in Latin America and theCarlbbeanI17• Insurence Innovaticn118 • Market Niches and Technologies Used127Chapter 8: First Analysis and Thermometer of Regulation of the FintechSector in the Region130• Regulatory Environment for Selected Verticals142• Peroeption cf the Regulatory Envirorment156• Fintech Associations in Latin America and the Caribbean: Developments20182021179 Conclusions18 0References1B5Annex 1: Investment Highlights 2020-2021191Annex 2: Collaborating Fintech Platforms4 Fintech in Latin America and the Caribbean - ForewordForeword, IDBhofintech ocosystem inBusiness technolosy solutionsinstituticris ond the sgrowth andLatin America and thefor financial institutions (15%) andin;ernationalization of disgital banks.Caribbean has grownenterprise financial managemantThese factors are beginning to blur112% since the Inter-American(11%) follow. Some changes inthe line: hetween new players in theDevelopment Bank (IDB)the participation of verticals ininciustry andi incumhents.and Finnovista published thethe ecosystem are explaine-c byprevious version of the sectorgrowth in the segments of cligitalConsistent with these dynamicsanalysis in 2018. The Latincanks (57%), business technologythe region's financial authoritiesAmerican and Caribbean regionsolutions for financicl institutionshsvu rusponded with resulatorywentfrom having1,166 fintech(49%), insurance (46%), ano lenclinginnovations. Implementingplatformsto2,482inJustover(45%). among others. Finally, n theregulatory sandlooxes (in Barbaclos.three years. The geographicceriod petween the pxublicatiorBrazil, Colomha, Jamaica. Mexicoconcentrationof platformsof the previo us report and thisPeru, and Trinidad and Tobago)changed little compared tocne, tho rogicn felt the effects ofhas alowec the testing and. inthe previouspublication andthe COVID-19 pandemic, whichsome cases, icensing of financialcontinues to beled by Brazilincreasedl the dis italization of rnanyprod