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天德地产2021-2022 年报

天德地产2021-2022 年报

Stock Code 股份代號:2662021-2022Annual Report年報 The translation into Chinese language of this annual report is for reference only.In case of any inconsistency, the English version shall prevail.本年報之中文譯本只供參考,如中英文本有任何差異,一概以英文本為準。 Contents 目錄2Corporate Information公司資料3Chairman’s Statement主席報告4Properties物業概覽5Corporate Governance Report企業管治報告37Corporate Social Responsibility Report企業社會責任報告66Directors’ Report董事會報告83Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management董事與高層管理人員個人簡歷86Independent Auditor’s Report獨立核數師報告93Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income綜合損益及其他全面收入表94Consolidated Statement of Financial Position綜合財務狀況表96Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity綜合權益變動表97Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows綜合現金流量表99Notes to the Financial Statements財務報表附註155Five Year Financial Summary五年財務概要 Tian Teck Land Limited 天德地產有限公司2Corporate Information公司資料董事會執行董事鍾輝煌(主席)鍾琼林(副主席)鍾炯輝鍾燊南鍾聰玲獨立非執行董事周雲海黃耀德謝鵬元公司秘書吳秀芳銀行恒生銀行有限公司華僑銀行香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司東亞銀行有限公司律師孖士打律師行的近律師行羅夏信律師事務所核數師畢馬威會計師事務所(執業會計師)於香港《財務匯報局條例》下註冊的公眾利益實體核數師股票登記處香港中央證券登記有限公司香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心17樓1712-1716室註冊辦事處香港九龍尖沙咀彌敦道63號國際廣場9樓網站ttll.etnet.com.hkBoard of DirectorsExecutive DirectorsCheong Hooi Hong (Chairman)Cheong Kheng Lim (Deputy Chairman)Cheong Keng HooiCheong Sim LamCheong Chong LingIndependent Non-executive DirectorsChow Wan Hoi, PaulWong Yiu TakTse Pang YuenCompany SecretaryNg Sau FongBankersHang Seng Bank LimitedOversea-Chinese Banking Corporation LimitedThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedThe Bank of East Asia, LimitedSolicitorsMayer BrownDeaconsStephenson HarwoodAuditorKPMG (Certified Public Accountants)Public Interest Entity Auditor registered in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Council OrdinanceShare RegistrarComputershare Hong Kong Investor Services LimitedShops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong KongRegistered Office9th Floor, iSQUARE, 63 Nathan RoadTsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong KongWebsitettll.etnet.com.hk Annual Report 2021- 2022 年報3Chairman’s Statement主席報告Financial Results and Business ReviewI would like to report the audited results of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2022. During the year, the Group recorded a profit from operations before valuation changes in investment properties of HK$182.8 million (2021: HK$323.0 million) and a loss attributable to equity shareholders of HK$554.0 million (2021: HK$777.6 million). The loss was mainly due to the net valuation losses on investment properties of HK$1,264.7 million (2021: HK$1,809.2 million) which outweigh the profit from operations. The valuation losses will only affect the accounting profit or loss but not the cash flows of the Group. Details of the financial results and business performance and development are set out in the Directors’ Report on pages 66 to 82.DividendsThe Board is pleased to recommend a final dividend of HK$0.08 per share for the year ended 31 March 2022 (2021: HK$0.08 per share). As the Company paid an interim dividend of HK$0.08 per share during the year (2021: HK$0.10 per share), the total distribution will be HK$0.16 per share for the year (2021: HK$0.18 per share).Annual General MeetingThe annual general meeting of members of the Company will be held on Friday, 9 September 2022.AcknowledgementFinally, on behalf of the Board, I wish to thank all our staff for their devotion and dedication, and would like to thank our professional advisors and our members for their support in the past year.Cheong Hooi HongChairmanHong Kong, 29 June 2022財政業績及業務回顧本人謹此宣布本集團截至二零二二年三月三十一日止年度之經審核業績。於本年度,本集團之投資物業估值變動前的經營溢利為港幣182,800,000元(二零二一年:港幣323,000,000元),權益股東應佔虧損則為港幣554,000,000元(二零二一年:港幣777,600,000元)。該虧損主要是投資物業估值虧損淨額港幣1,264,700,000元(二零二一年:港幣1,809,200,000元)超過經營溢利所致。該估值虧損只會影響本集團在會計上的溢利或虧損,而不會對其現金流量造成影響。財政業績及業務表現和發展的詳情列載於第66至82頁的董事會報告內。股息董事會欣然建議派發截至二零二二年三月三十一日止年度末期股息每股港幣0.08元(二零二一年:每股港幣0.08元)。本公司已於本年度派發中期股息每股港幣0.08元(二零二一年:每股港幣0.10元 ),連同建議派發的末期股息,本年度將共派息每股港幣0.16元(二零二一年:每股港幣0.18元 )。股東周年大會本公司之股東周年大會將於二零二二年九月九日 星期五舉行。致謝最後,本人謹代表董事會對各同事之忠誠及辛勤貢獻致以謝意,並感謝各專業顧問及本公司成員在過去一年的支持。主席鍾輝煌香港,二零二二年六月二十九日 Tian Teck Land Limited 天德地產有限公司4Properties物業概覽國際廣場國際廣場位處尖沙咀中心地帶,坐落於彌敦道和北京道交界,是區內首個與尖沙咀港鐵站直接相連的大型綜合娛樂及購物中心。國際廣場面積達56,000平方米,包括商場低座、戲院和高座大樓三個部分。商場低座匯聚各類型時裝及生活時尚品牌,並設有5間星級電影院,包括設置458個座位的IMAX數碼影院;高座則進駐有高級食府及生活時尚服務。好運工業中心位於九龍荔枝角好運工業中心的其中四層為本公司擁有。該四層物業設有汽車陳列室、汽車工場、停車位和汽油站。iSQUAREiSQUARE is located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui at the intersection of Nathan Road and Peking Road. It is the first one-stop shopping and entertainment complex linked to Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station. This complex provides 56,000 square metres of space comprising a shopping podium, cinema box and tower.The podium is a vibrant hub for world-class fashion and lifestyle brands, complemented by five grand cineplexes, including a 458-seat digital IMAX theatre. iSQUARE also features fine-dining restaurants and lifestyle services





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