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公司报告 IT服务│香港│2019年11月13日 Powered by the EFA Platform Insert Insert 腾讯控股 19财年三季报:收入符合预期,惟净利润较预期弱 ■ 腾讯的19财年三季度业绩低于预期,主要是由于其他收益下降,但非国际财务报告准则业绩则符合预期。增值服务、网络广告以及金融科技及企业服务业务的收入增长基本符合预期。 ■ 预计在未来几个季度,增值服务和金融科技及企业服务的增长将保持稳定。 ■ 预计网络广告业务短期前景仍然艰巨,这是由于:a)宏观经济放缓;b)政府对电视剧实施监管;c)竞争加剧。 ■ 我们认为,三季度网络广告业务偏弱这一因素已得到反映。我们仍对公司持正面看法。我们将2019、2020和2021年的净利润预测分别下调6.1%、5.7%和13.6%。维持「增持」评级,贴现现金流目标价由397.1港元下调至389.8港元,主要是由于下调了盈利下降;我们亦计入了近期人民币走强的因素。 19财年三季度业绩摘要 期内腾讯的总收入为972亿元人民币,同比增长21%,较我们预期低0.9%。以下是19财年三季度各业务的表现:a)社交网络收入同比增长21%至220亿人民币;b)网络游戏收入总额同比增长11%(19财年一季度:同比下降1%;19财年二季度:同比增长8%)至286亿人民币,主要受助于手机游戏收入同比增长25%至243亿人民币,但个人电脑客户端游戏收入仍然疲弱,同比下降7%至115亿人民币);c)广告总收入同比增长13%(19财年一季度:同比增长25%;19财年二季度:同比增长16%)至184亿人民币,主要是受累于媒体广告收入同比下降28%(19财年一季度:同比增长4.9%;19财年二季度:同比下降7%)。社交及其他广告业务收入同比增长32%至147亿元人民币; d)金融科技和企业服务收入在19财年三季度增长36%,达到268亿人民币。腾讯的毛利率在19财年三季度同比下降1.7个百分点至43.7%,而同期净利润同比下降13%至203.82亿人民币,低于我们预期的2,720.7万人民币,主要是由于其他收益下降。若撇除其他收益,腾讯19财年三季度核心经营业绩符合我们预期。 网络广告表现欠佳,但大致属预期之内 网络广告市场在2019下半年的前景仍然艰巨,主要由于汽车、房地产和金融等在线广告市场中的主要行业的经济活动放缓、市场竞争加剧(广告库存过多)以及政府作出管制。我们仍然预计,在未来几个季度,腾讯的网络广告收入将录得约15%增长。鉴于一些在今年初发布的游戏(例如《和平精英》)和新游戏(例如《英雄联盟》手机版)产生贡献,预计移动游戏收入的增长势头将持续。未来几年,金融科技和企业服务仍将是腾讯的主要收入增长动力,但管理层仍然未有透露太多细节。我们预计19财年四季度增值服务收入(网络游戏和社交网络)同比增长16.7%。我们还预计19财年四季度网络广告收入将同比增长14.8%。 下调净利润预测 我们将2019、2020和2021年的净利润预测分别下调6.1%、5.7%和13.6%。此次下调主要是由于降低了其他收益的预测。目标价为389.8港元,基于35倍目标市盈率,与股份的历史均值一致。 来源: 中国银河国际证券研究部, 公司, 彭博 香港 增持 (不变) 市场共识评级*: 买入50 持有8 沽出0 前收盘价: HK$327.4 目标价: HK$389.8 此前目标价: HK$397.1 潜在上升/下跌空间: 19.0% CGI / 市场共识目标价: -5.5% 路透股票代号: 0700.HK 彭博股票代号: 700 HK 市值: US$399,281m HK$3,127,412m 平均每日成交额: US$642.1m HK$5,034m 目前发行在外股数 9,575m 自由流通量 59.9% *来源: 彭博 本报告中的主要变动 19财年、20财年及21财年收入预测分别下调0.6%、0.8%和0.9% 19财年、20财年及21财年净利润预测分别下调 6.1%、5.7%和13.6% 来源: 彭博 股价表现 1M 3M 12M 绝对表现 (%) 0.8 -2 19.3 相对表现 (%) -0.2 -7.1 16.3 主要股东 持股百分比 Naspers Ltd 31.2 马化腾 8.6 Insert 分析员 布家杰 (香港证监会中央编号:AEU692) T (852) 3698 6318 E markpo@chinastock.com.hk 王志文 (香港证监会中央编号:AIU435) T (852) 3698 6317 E cmwong@chinastock.com.hk 96107118129250.0300.0350.0400.0Price CloseRelative to HSI (RHS)204060Nov-18Feb-19May-19Aug-19Vol m收入 (百万人民币) 经营EBITDA (百万人民币) 净利润 (百万人民币) 每股核心盈利 (人民币) 每股核心盈利增长 全面摊薄市盈率(倍) 每股派息(人民币) 股息率 EV/EBITDA (倍) 股价/股权自由现金流(倍) 净负债权益比 市净率(倍) 股本回报率 每股核心盈利预测的变动 每股核心盈利/市场共识每股盈利(倍) 主要财务指标 Company Note IT Services│Hong Kong│November 13, 2019 Powered by the EFA Platform Insert Insert Tencent 3Q19 results: top line in line, but bottom line miss because of lower other gains ■ Tencent’s 3Q19 results were lower than expected, mainly because if lower other gains, but the non-IFRS results were in line with expectations. Top-line growth of the VAS, online advertising and FinTech & business services divisions was pretty much in line. ■ VAS and FinTech & business services growth is expected to remain solid in the coming quarters. ■ Online advertising is expected to remain challenging in the near term because of: a) the macro slowdown, b) government regulations on drama series, and c) increasing competition. ■ We believe that the softer performance of the online advertising segment in 3Q19 has been factored in. We still hold a constructive view of the Company. We revised down our net profit forecasts for 2019F, 2020F and 2021F by 6.1%, 5.7% and 13.6%, respectively. Maintain ADD with a new DCF-based target price of HK$389.8, adjusted downward from HK$397.1 mainly because of an earnings cut; we also factored in recent RMB strength. 3Q19 results highlights Tencent reported total revenue of Rmb97.2bn, up 21% yoy and 0.9% lower than our expectation. Regarding sub-segment performance in 3Q19: a) social network revenue was up 21% yoy to Rmb22.0bn, b) total online game revenue was up 11% yoy (1Q19: down 1% yoy; 2Q19: up 8% yoy) to Rmb28.6bn because of a 25% yoy increase in mobile game revenue to Rmb24.3bn, but PC game revenue remained soft, down 7% yoy to Rmb11.5bn); c) total advertising revenue grew 13% yoy (1Q19: up 25% yoy; 2Q19: up 16% yoy) to Rmb18.4bn, dragged down mainly by a 28% yoy decline in media ad revenue (1Q19: up 4.9% yoy; 2Q19: down 7% yoy). Social media and other ad revenue was up 32% yoy to Rmb14.7bn; and d) FinTech and business services revenue grew 36% to Rmb26.8bn in 2Q19. Tencent’s gross margin was down 1.7ppts yoy to 43.7% in 3Q19, and 3Q19 net profit was down 13% yoy to Rmb20,382m, lower than our expectation of Rmb27.207m mainly because of lower other gains. Excluding other gains, Tencent’s core operating performance in 3Q19 was in line with our expectations. Soft performance for online ads, but somewhat expected The 2H19 outlook for the online advertising segment remains challenging, given the slowdown in economic activity in key industries in the online advertising market, including the automobile, property and financial sectors, increasing competition (oversupply of ad inventory),