The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Commission) requested a survey of existing legislative, administrative, and policy approaches for access and benefit-sharing (ABS) for different subsectors of genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA) and traditional knowledge associated with GRFA (TKGRFA) held by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The goal was to identify typical approaches and lessons learned, as well as challenges and potential solutions.
In response to this request, the Secretariat conducted a survey to identify various types of legislative, administrative, or policy measures countries have taken to accommodate the distinctive features of GRFA and associated TKGRFA in their ABS measures. This survey was published in 2021 (Humphries et al. 2021).
At the Eighteenth Regular Session in 2021, the Commission requested a stand-alone document providing specific examples of existing country legislative, administrative, or policy measures that directly or indirectly accommodate distinctive features of GRFA and associated TKGRFA. With support from the University of Bremen, the Secretariat produced a typology of ABS country measures reflecting the importance of GRFA, their special role for food security, and their distinctive features. These measures were reviewed by the Commission’s intergovernmental technical working groups and the Team of Technical and Legal Experts on Access and Benefit-sharing.
At the Nineteenth Regular Session in 2023, the Commission took note of the typology of ABS country measures and requested the Secretariat to finalize the document and make it available on the Commission’s website. The document is intended to be a living document, periodically updated as needed.
The typology follows the structure of the five key elements of ABS measures for GRFA identified in the Elements to Facilitate Access and Benefit-Sharing for Different Subsectors of Genetic Resources for Agriculture—With Explanatory Notes (ABS Elements) (FAO, 2019b):