Transforming Global Markets for Clean Energy Products
Executive Summary
Market transformation refers to the process of shifting the entire market toward more efficient and clean energy products. This report highlights promising areas for international collaboration to achieve this goal.
Part 1: Fostering Global Market Energy-Efficient Equipment Transformation
- Introduction: The report discusses how energy-efficient equipment can significantly reduce energy consumption and improve resource efficiency.
- National Examples: Countries like Japan and the United States have implemented successful programs to promote energy-efficient equipment.
- Regional Co-operation Projects: Collaboration between regions can help standardize energy efficiency standards and share best practices.
- Global Co-operation Projects: International initiatives such as the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) aim to promote energy-efficient equipment globally.
- Energy Efficiency Standards and Policies: Implementing robust standards and policies can lead to substantial energy savings and resource conservation.
- Substantial Energy Savings: For example, the average efficiency of US domestic refrigerators has improved significantly from 1960 to 2005.
- Resource Savings: Energy-efficient equipment can save significant amounts of resources, contributing to overall sustainability.
Part 2: Clean Energy Vehicles: Market Transformation Options
- Introduction: The report examines how advancements in vehicle technology can contribute to a cleaner transportation sector.
- ETP 2010 Low-Carbon Transport Scenarios: The report outlines scenarios where fuel economy improvements can significantly reduce carbon emissions.
- Fuel Economy Improvements: Enhancing fuel efficiency is crucial for reducing the environmental impact of vehicles.
- Recent Trends and Targets: Various countries and organizations have set ambitious targets for improving fuel efficiency.
- Electric Vehicles and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles (EVs/PHEVs): These technologies offer significant potential for reducing emissions but need to become more cost-competitive.
- Ensuring EVs/PHEVs Are Cost-Competitive: Reducing costs and increasing affordability is essential for widespread adoption.
- Co-ordination of Infrastructure Development: Developing charging infrastructure is critical for supporting the adoption of EVs/PHEVs.
- Options and Priorities for Global Co-operation: International collaboration can help standardize regulations and promote the development of cost-effective EVs/PHEVs.
Part 3: Transforming Electricity Generation Through Solar Photovoltaics
- Introduction: The report explores the role of solar photovoltaics (PV) in transforming electricity generation.
- ETP PV Solar Scenarios: The report presents scenarios where PV plays a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Overview of Market Opportunities for PV: The market for PV is expected to grow significantly, driven by declining costs and technological advancements.
- Technology and Status: Advances in PV technology continue to drive down costs and improve performance.
- Sectors: PV technology is being adopted across various sectors, including residential, commercial, and industrial.
- Costs and Prices: Declining costs and increased efficiency are making PV more competitive.
- Market Growth: Projections indicate rapid growth in the PV market.
- IEA Projections for Potential Growth in PV: The IEA forecasts significant growth in the PV market over the coming years.
- PV as a Key Market Transformation Area: PV is seen as a critical component of market transformation efforts.
- Policy Frameworks: Strong policy frameworks are necessary to facilitate the growth of the PV market.
- Grid Access and Smart-Grid Development: Improving grid access and developing smart grids are essential for integrating PV into the electricity grid.
- Market Facilitation and Transformation: Various initiatives are aimed at facilitating the transition to a more sustainable electricity generation system.
- Technology Development: Continued research and development are crucial for advancing PV technology.
- Options and Priorities for Global Co-operation: International collaboration is needed to promote the development and deployment of PV technology.
Annex A: Case Studies on Global Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency
- Case Study 1: Electric Motors: Analysis of the impact of energy-efficient electric motors.
- Case Study 2: Televisions: Examination of the benefits of energy-efficient televisions.
- Case Study 3: External Power Supplies: Review of the advantages of energy-efficient external power supplies.
- Case Study 4: Compact Fluorescent Lamps: Assessment of the benefits of energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps.
- Detailed references for further reading and citations.