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2015 年度商务环境调查报告

2015 年度商务环境调查报告

China Business Climate Survey Report年度商务环境调查报告In partnership with与贝恩公司合作编制 This is the 17th year that the American Chamber of Commerce in the People’s Republic of China (AmCham China) has conducted its annual Business Climate Survey. To enhance the report and service to our mem-bers, we are proud to have partnered with Bain & Company, which provided valuable insight into improv-ing the survey experience for our members as well as the depth of the analysis, and into determining the implications of our findings for member companies. The Business Climate Survey enhances the Chinese and US governments’ understanding of our mem-ber companies’ concerns regarding China’s regulatory and policy environment, as well as the daily business challenges companies face when operating in China. Further, the survey is a useful tool for our members to measure their operations and compare their business outlooks and strategies with the broader community. We would like to thank all of our members who took time to participate in the survey. Your input is greatly valued and is the key to our joint success.今年是中国美国商会(AmCham China)开展年度商务环境调查的第十七年。引以为豪的是,为提升报告质量和为会员服务的水平,我们今年有幸与贝恩公司 (Bain & Company) 进行合作。贝恩公司为改善会员的调查体验、调查分析深度、以及判定调查结果对于会员企业的意义方面提供了宝贵的专业意见。商务环境调查,有助于中国和美国政府更好地理解中国美国商会会员企业对中国监管和政策环境的关注点,以及企业在华日常运营所面临的挑战。另外,本调查成为了会员企业在更广阔的行业内衡量自身运营状况、业务前景、和商业战略的一个实用工具。我们感谢所有抽出时间参与调查的会员企业。我们非常珍视各位的意见,您的意 This is the 17th year that the American Chamber of Commerce in the People’s Republic of China (AmCham China) has conducted its annual Business Climate Survey. To enhance the report and service to our mem-bers, we are proud to have partnered with Bain & Company, which provided valuable insight into improv-ing the survey experience for our members as well as the depth of the analysis, and into determining the implications of our findings for member companies. The Business Climate Survey enhances the Chinese and US governments’ understanding of our mem-ber companies’ concerns regarding China’s regulatory and policy environment, as well as the daily business challenges companies face when operating in China. Further, the survey is a useful tool for our members to measure their operations and compare their business outlooks and strategies with the broader community. We would like to thank all of our members who took time to participate in the survey. Your input is greatly valued and is the key to our joint success.今年是中国美国商会(AmCham China)开展年度商务环境调查的第十七年。引以为豪的是,为提升报告质量和为会员服务的水平,我们今年有幸与贝恩公司 (Bain & Company) 进行合作。贝恩公司为改善会员的调查体验、调查分析深度、以及判定调查结果对于会员企业的意义方面提供了宝贵的专业意见。商务环境调查,有助于中国和美国政府更好地理解中国美国商会会员企业对中国监管和政策环境的关注点,以及企业在华日常运营所面临的挑战。另外,本调查成为了会员企业在更广阔的行业内衡量自身运营状况、业务前景、和商业战略的一个实用工具。我们感谢所有抽出时间参与调查的会员企业。我们非常珍视各位的意见,您的意AmCham China’s 2015 China Business Climate Survey Report中国美国商会 2015 年度商务环境调查报告见是我们共同迈向成功的关键。Chairman’s Message会长致辞Executive Summary摘 要Survey Demographics受访者组成 I. 2014 Performance Snapshot 2014 年业绩简报II. Investing for Future Growth 投资未来增长III. Solving Business Challenges 应对商业挑战IV. Overall Business Climate Outlook 商业环境总体前景 1268111831 The American Chamber of Commerce in the People's Republic of China中国美国商会 The Office Park, Tower AB, 6th Floor,No. 10 Jintongxi Road, Chaoyang District,Beijing, 100020, the People's Republic of ChinaTel: (8610) 8519-0800 Fax: (8610) 8519-0899Website: www.amchamchina.orgHeadquartered in Beijing with Chapters in Tianjin, Central China (Wuhan), Northeast China (Dalian)中国北京市朝阳区金桐西路 10 号, 远洋光华国际 AB 座 6 层邮政编码:100020电话:(8610) 8519-0800传真:(8610) 8519-0899网址:www.amchamchina.org中国美国商会总部设于北京,在天津、 华中(武汉)、东北(大连)设有区域办公室©2015 by the American Chamber of Commerce in the People's Republic of China (AmCham China), all rights reserved. This report may not be reproduced either in part or in full without the prior written consent of AmCham China.中国美国商会拥有本报告的版权©,并保留其他一切权利。未经中国美国商会书面授权,不得对本报告或本报告中的部分章节进行复制。 The 2015 Business Climate Survey is a reflection of many important topics on the minds of our member compa-nies, and the results can be summed up as follows: AmCham China member companies are committed to the market but continue to weather and adapt to a challenging business environment that is constantly evolving as China continues on a path of economic reform and sustainable development. Our companies understand and appreciate the complexities and difficulties that the Chinese leadership is confronted with as it balances its economy and implements its reforms, including the reforms incumbent in the upcoming 13th Five Year Plan. But much work lies ahead for all of us in 2015 and beyond as the Chinese economy continues to mature and the government implements and enforces a host of new laws that have been in the pipeline for years. Indeed, we are witnessing a learning curve in developing best practices—such as with respect to the enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law – and, to ensure that the interests of our members are preserved, AmCham China continues to monitor the regulatory environment to ensure that the laws are









