The Global Status of CCS | 2016 report highlights the significant successes and challenges faced by carbon capture and storage (CCS) in 2016. The Paris Agreement provides a foundation for climate change mitigation actions, but more needs to be done, including actively pursuing CCS by many countries. The report identifies 38 large-scale CCS projects worldwide, with over 20 expected to be operational by the end of 2017, demonstrating the safety, reliability, adaptability, and cost-efficiency of CCS. Two significant projects were launched in 2016: the Abu Dhabi CCS Project, Phase 1, and Japan's Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project. Three more major large-scale CCS projects are set to commence operations in the United States, including the world's largest post-combustion capture project, the world's first large-scale bio-CCS project, and the world's first CCS project at a commercial-scale hydrogen production facility.