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中国打击野生动物非法贸易最佳实践China’s Best Practices in Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade 目录 CONTENTS引 言INTRODUCTION第一章 法律法规CHAPTER 1 LAWS AND REGULATIONS第二章 执法CHAPTER 2 LAW ENFORCEMENT第三章 罚没物品处置CHAPTER 3 DISPOSAL OF CONFISCATED GOODS第四章 国际合作CHAPTER 4 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION第五章 公众教育CHAPTER 5 PUBLIC EDUCATION第六章 社会参与CHAPTER 6 SOCIAL PARTICIPATION第七章 挑战与建议CHAPTER 7 CHALLENGES AND SUGGESTIONS0103040911182027 CHINA’S BEST PRACTICES IN COMBATING ILLEGAL WILDLIFE TRADE21在中国境内繁衍的野生动物中,没 有 哪 个 物 种 比 藏 羚 羊(Tibetan antelope)的保护更与贸易密切相关。素有“高原精灵”美称的藏羚羊,因其羊绒生产的沙图什(shahtoosh)披肩质地轻柔纤细、富有弹性、保暖性强,在发达国家以几千甚至上万美元的价格销售,使该物种从 20 世纪末期遭到疯狂猎杀,种群数量从20世纪初的近 100 万只降到了 1995 年的不足 7.5 万只。1997 年,该物种被《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》列入“附录 I”,有效限制了其国际贸易。为拯救这一物种,中国先后建立西藏羌塘、青海可可西里、青海三江源、新疆阿尔金山等 7 处藏羚羊自然保护区,实施强有力的就地保护和执法,青海省治多县原西部工委书记索南达杰等人为保护藏羚羊而献身,更是中国强力保护执法的写照。中国成功保护藏羚羊的实践表明,对一个物种的保护,关键在于源头保护,严厉打击盗猎及破坏栖息地违法行为是动物保护的根本和有效措施,同时配合施以流通和消费环节的打击非法贸易措施。《中国打击野生动物非法贸易最佳实践》高度概括了中国各级政府、行业、NGO 和公众在该领域的行动,旨在通过总结并分享中国的成功经验,鼓励其他国家采取类似行动,不断加强本国的野生动物保护工作,持续推动全球打击野生动物非法贸易的交流与合作,最终扭转全球生物多样性持续减少和生态环境不断恶化的被动局面。《中国打击野生动物非法贸易最佳实践》由世界自然基金会组织编写,中国野生动物保护协会、打击网络野生动植物非法贸易全球互联网企业联盟和可持续旅行联盟成员企业的大力支持。采用的案例和数据均由当事部门和机构提供。本文编撰也得到了 GIZ和 WWF UK 的支持。Among the wild animals that thrive in China, no species has been more closely linked to trade for its preservation than the Tibetan antelope. The Tibetan antelope is known as the “Elves of the Plateau”. Because the soft, slender, elastic and warm shahtoosh made from its wool is sold in the developed countries at the price of thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars, it was hunted ferociously since the end of the 20th century. Its population decreased from nearly one million in the early 20th century to less than 75,000 in 1995. In 1997, it was listed in the CITES Appendix I, which effectively restricted the international trade of this species. To save the Tibetan antelope, China has carried out strong protection and law enforcement, establishing seven nature reserves for it in Qiangtang in Tibet, Hoh Xil and Sanjiangyuan in Qinghai, Altyn-Tagh in Xinjiang and other places. Mr. Suonandajie, a County- level leader from Qinghai Province, and many others have sacrificed their lives for protecting Tibetan antelopes, which demonstrates China’s strong action in protecting wildlife and its habitat.China’s successful protection of the Tibetan antelope proves that species protection requires the protection of its source. The fundamental and effective measures are to combat poaching and illegal acts of habitat destruction, which should be accompanied by measures to crack down on illegal wildlife trade in supply chain and consumption.China’s Best Practices in Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade summarizes actions of Chinese governments at all levels, industries, NGOs and the public in this field. By summarizing and sharing China’s experience, it aims to encourage other countries to take similar actions and strengthen each country’s own wildlife protection. It is also hoped to promote global exchanges and cooperation in combating illegal wildlife trade so as to reverse the shrinking global biodiversity and deteriorating ecological environment ultimately.China’s Best Practices in Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade was written by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), with massive assistance from the China Wildlife Conservation Association, Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online, and member enterprises of the Sustainable Travel Alliance. The cases and data are provided by relevant departments and organizations. The writing was funded by GIZ and WWF UK.引 言Introduction CHINA’S BEST PRACTICES IN COMBATING ILLEGAL WILDLIFE TRADE43第一章 法律法规Chapter 1 Laws and Regulations第二章 执法Chapter 2 Law Enforcement1.1 对野生动物实行全方位法律保护1.1 The Comprehensive Judicial Protection on Wild Animals中国政府坚持保护优先、规范利用、加强监管原则,健全野生动物保护的预防性和惩罚性措施,形成了以《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》《中华人民共和国刑法》为主体,《中华人民共和国濒危野生动植物进出口管理条例》和有关司法解释为补充的野生动物保护法律体系。在中国,野生动物犯罪根据犯罪情节不同量刑不同,情节特别严重的处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,并处罚款以及没收非法标本、非法所得甚至个人财产。The Chinese government prioritizes the protection on wild animals, allows legal utilization, implements strict supervision constantly, and optimizes preventive and punitive measures for protecting wild animals. It has formed a legal system for wild animal protection. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife and the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China are the mainstay, and the Regulations On Import And Export of Endangered Wildlife in the People’s Republic Of China and relevant judicial interpretations are the supplement. Penalties against crimes on wild animals vary according to the circumstances. If the circumstances are particularly severe, the penalties will be imprisonment of not less than ten years or even life imprisonment, as well as a fine and confiscation of illegal specimens, illegal gains or even personal property.2.1 建立完备的保护管理和执法队伍2.1 Establishing a Strong Team for Protection Management and Law Enforcement 中国政府建立起由林草、农业农村、市场监管、公安、海关、海警等部门组成的野生动物保护管理与执法队伍体系,对野外动物