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Zheping HuangByteDance’s Douyin Challenges WeChat to BecomeChina’s Next Everything Appbloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-14/bytedance-s-douyin-challenges-wechat-to-become-china-s-next-everything-appBusinessweek 商业周刊ByteDance Wants to Build an Everything App to Rival WeChat字节跳动想要建立一个可以与微信竞争的应用程序The company behind TikTok aims to provide food delivery, travelbookings and whatever else people want.TikTok 背^的}øí在提供外X1旅游预¬和人们想要的任何服á2Illustration: Nick Little for Bloomberg Businessweek 插Ā: |克 · 利特尔的彭博商业周刊Zheping Huang2023€6o15日 GMT+8 04:00 202315 June GMT + 804:00 GMT As a middle-age restaurant owner who was neither interested inscrolling through viral videos nor likely to create such videos herself,Zhou Meiying never found a lot of use for Douyin, China9s mostpopular short-form video app. That changed last year, when theChinese government shuttered Beijing9s restaurants to combatCovid-19. Zhou, 44, began streaming videos of herself preparing herspecialty, braised pork knuckles, along with a link that allowedviewers to place orders for delivery. She now gets hundreds oforders each day through the app. <If it weren9t for Douyin, I wouldn9teven be able to pay salaries,= Zhou says. <It9s a new leg we standon. That9s how we survived.=周美英是一O中€餐馆老板,她既O喜欢p览病毒视频,_Ozÿ能自ý制作à样的视频2她从未发现ø音p多大用处2ø音是中ÿ最Ø欢迎的短视频应用2à种情况在去€发生了ÙW,当时中ÿ€府sý了X京的餐馆,以打ü2019冠状病毒疾病244岁的周开始在网P播自ý准备特色菜红烧猪手的视频,ßp一个ÿ以让观_¬购外X的链接2现在,她每y通过à个应用程序接到数百个¬W2<如果没pø音,q甚ó连工资都发O起来2=2<à是q们的ð立足点2q们就是à样活Q来的2=The formula is a big deal for Zhou, and a significant development forByteDance Ltd., the company that runs both Douyin and TikTok,which is available only outside China. ByteDance has primarilyfocused its operations on its social media apps, with most of its $80billion annual revenue coming from what they generate inadvertising. Last year it began offering food and grocery delivery inbig cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. When Douyin shows a user,say, a cheeseburger or a slushy, it includes a link to place a deliveryorder or a coupon that can be redeemed in person. Users can alsosearch for cinemas, bars and beauty salons inside the app.à个}式对于周来说意OÞ大,对于\时运营ø音和 TikTok 的字节跳úp限}ø(ByteDance Ltd.)来说_是一个Þ大ß展2ø音和 TikTok只在中ÿ境外•售2字节跳ú的业á要集中在社交媒体应用程序 P,w800ÿ美元的€收入大部V来自àß应用程序的广告收入2去€,该}ø开始在X京和P海等大城`提供ß品和g ̄配‘服á2当ø音显示一个用户,比如说,一个芝士汉堡或者一o雪泥,它包一个发‘¬W的链接或者一张ÿ以亲自兑换的`惠券2用户ßÿ以在应用程序中搜索电影院1酒w和美容院2Zhou livestreaming on Douyin from her restaurant. 周从她的餐×直播ø音Photographer: Andrea Verdelli for Bloomberg Businessweek 摄影: AndreaVerdelli 彭博商业周刊The so-called everything app model is popular in China thanks toWeChat, which incorporates elements of WhatsApp, Instagram,PayPal and other services into a single service. None of WeChat9srivals have come close to providing such a sprawling range, but thesuccess of Douyin9s food delivery experiment raises the possibilitythat ByteDance could become the first.得益于微信(WeChat) ,所谓的万能应用模式在中ÿ很Ø欢迎2微信将 WhatsApp1 Instagram1 PayPal 和w他服á的元素整合到一个服á中2微信的竞争对手ß没p一家能够提供如l庞大的服á范围,但ø音外X试验的pß,提高了字节跳úp€首家à样的}ø的ÿ能性2ByteDance has spent years laying the foundation for its owneverything service. It has branched into video games and onlineshopping. It has also put increasing focus on real-world commercethrough food orders, flight bookings and hotel reservations. Lastyear, Douyin9s 700 million users increased their spending on theseon-demand services sevenfold, the company says, though it doesn9tdisclose a specific number. GuoSheng Securities Co. estimates thatby 2025, Douyin could facilitate 300 billion yuan ($42.1 billion) in on-demand transactions, generating more than 17 billion yuan inrevenue from its commissions. 字节跳ú多€来一直在€自ý的万能服á打Ā础2它þ经扩展到视频游o和网P购物2它ß通过¬餐1机票预¬和酒店预¬,越来越s注现实世界的商业活ú2ø音表示,去€ø音的7ÿ用户在àß点播服áP的支û增长了7倍,O过该}ø没p透露x体数字2ÿ盛证券估«,到2025€,ø音ÿ以促p3000ÿ元人民_(þ合421ÿ美元)的点播交易,从w佣金中产生超过170ÿ元的收入2If it succeeds in doing this, ByteDance would mature into a moresignificant rival to China9s biggest internet conglomerates, such asWeChat owner Tencent Holdings Ltd., and Alibaba Group HoldingLtd., which offers a wide range of e-commerce and financial servicesbut doesn9t compete in social. <Douyin is this giant amusement parkthat has something to offer for everyone,= says Dave Xie, a principalat consulting firm Oliver Wyman. <When you get tired of the rides,you will inevitably want to shop or eat. It9s all about occupying yourtime.= It could also eventually help ByteDance to bring the everythingmodel to other markets through TikTok, assuming it eventuallyfigures out the delicate politics of operating in US and Europeanmarkets. Spokespeople from ByteDance didn9t respond to requestsfor comment.如果pß的话,字节跳ú将p€中ÿ最大的互联网企业集团的一个更Þ要的竞争对手,比如微信腾°p限}ø和阿Ý巴巴集团ç股p限}ø,^者提供广泛的电子商á和金融服á,但O参P社交竞争2咨询}ø奥纬咨询(Oliver Wyman)的负责人戴{•谢(Dave Xie)表示: <ø音是一个巨大的游乐园,能€每个人提供一ß^西2=2<当你对乘坐感到厌倦时,你Oÿ避免地b想要购物或W^西2à都是€了占用你的时间2=它ßÿ能最终帮û字节跳ú通过 TikTok 将一W模式引入w它`场,前提是它最终弄清楚在美ÿ和欧洲`场运营的微妙€治2字节跳ú的发言人没p回应±者的置评请求2 Asia's Everything Apps亚洲的一切应用By services offered通过提供的服áSource: Compiled by Bloomberg来源: 彭博社编辑The company sees its recommendation