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Corporate Information公司資料2Financial Highlights財務摘要4Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論及分析5Other Information其他資料23Report on Review of Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements中期簡明合併財務報表審閱報告30Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income中期簡明合併損益及其他綜合收益表32Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position中期簡明合併財務狀況表33Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity中期簡明合併權益變動表35Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows中期簡明合併現金流量表36Notes to the Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements中期簡明合併財務報表附註38Definition釋義59Contents 目錄 Dali Foods Group Company Limited / Interim Report 20222CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料BOARD OF DIRECTORSExecutive DirectorsMr. Xu Shihui (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)Mr. Zhuang WeiqiangMs. Xu YangyangMs. Huang JiayingNon-executive DirectorsMs. Xu BiyingMs. Hu XiaolingIndependent Non-executive DirectorsMr. Cheng Hanchuan (resigned on March 28, 2022)Mr. Liu XiaobinDr. Lin ZhijunMr. Ng Kong Hing (appointed on March 28, 2022)AUDIT COMMITTEEDr. Lin Zhijun (Chairman)Ms. Hu XiaolingMr. Cheng Hanchuan (resigned on March 28, 2022)Mr. Ng Kong Hing (appointed on March 28, 2022)REMUNERATION COMMITTEEDr. Lin Zhijun (Chairman)Ms. Xu YangyangMr. Liu XiaobinNOMINATION COMMITTEEMr. Xu Shihui (Chairman)Mr. Liu XiaobinMr. Cheng Hanchuan (resigned on March 28, 2022)Mr. Ng Kong Hing (appointed on March 28, 2022)COMPANY SECRETARYMs. Chen YingAUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVESMs. Xu YangyangMs. Chen YingPLACE OF LISTING AND STOCK CODEThe Stock Exchange of Hong Kong LimitedStock Code: 03799董事會執行董事許世輝先生 (主 席兼行政總裁)莊偉強先生許陽陽女士黃佳瑩女士非執行董事許碧英女士胡曉玲女士獨立非執行董事程漢川先生(於 二零二二年三月二十八日辭任)劉小斌先生林志軍博士吳港興先生(於 二零二二年三月二十八日獲委任)審核委員會林志軍博士(主 席)胡曉玲女士程漢川先生(於 二零二二年三月二十八日辭任)吳港興先生(於 二零二二年三月二十八日獲委任)薪酬委員會林志軍博士(主 席)許陽陽女士劉小斌先生提名委員會許世輝先生(主 席)劉小斌先生程漢川先生(於 二零二二年三月二十八日辭任)吳港興先生(於 二零二二年三月二十八日獲委任)公司秘書陳穎女士授權代表許陽陽女士陳穎女士上市地及股份代號香港聯合交易所有限公司股份代號:03799 達利食品集團有限公司 / 中期報告 20223CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料中華人民共和國總部中華人民共和國福建省惠安縣紫山鎮林口村香港主要營業地點香港九龍紅磡德豐街18號海濱廣場一座26樓2601室註冊辦事處Maples Corporate Services LimitedPO Box 309, Ugland HouseGrand Cayman, KY1-1104Cayman Islands公司網站http://www.dali-group.com核數師安永會計師事務所執業會計師香港法律顧問摩根路易斯律師事務所香港證券登記分處Link Market Services (Hong Kong) Pty Limited 香港皇后大道中28號中滙大廈16樓1601室開曼群島主要股份過戶登記處Maples Fund Service (Cayman) LimitedPO Box 1093, Boundary HallCricket Square, Grand CaymanKY1-1102, Cayman IslandsHEAD OFFICE IN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINALinkou, ZishanHui’an, Fujian ProvinceThe People’s Republic of ChinaPRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN HONG KONGRoom 2601, 26th FloorOne Harbourfront18 Tak Fung StreetHunghom, Kowloon, Hong KongREGISTERED OFFICEMaples Corporate Services LimitedPO Box 309, Ugland HouseGrand Cayman, KY1-1104Cayman IslandsCOMPANY’S WEBSITEhttp://www.dali-group.comAUDITORSErnst & YoungCertified Public AccountantsHONG KONG LEGAL ADVISORMorgan, Lewis & BockiusHONG KONG BRANCH SHARE REGISTRARLink Market Services (Hong Kong) Pty Limited Suite 1601, 16/F, Central Tower28 Queen’s Road CentralHong KongCAYMAN ISLANDS PRINCIPAL SHARE REGISTRARMaples Fund Service (Cayman) LimitedPO Box 1093, Boundary HallCricket Square, Grand CaymanKY1-1102, Cayman Islands Dali Foods Group Company Limited / Interim Report 20224FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS財務摘要REVENUE 收益GROSS PROFIT 毛利GROSS PROFIT MARGIN 毛利率EBITDA 扣除利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷前盈利NET PROFIT 純利NET PROFIT MARGIN 純利率EARNINGS PER SHARE 每股盈利percentage points 個百分點percentage points 個百分點-3.1%-15.9%-8.6%-15.1%-15.3%-1.3%-15.3%11,287,241RMB Thousand 人民幣千元 4,325,165RMB Thousand 人民幣千元 38.3%17.8%0.15RMB 人民幣元3,150,308RMB Thousand 人民幣千元 2,012,830RMB Thousand 人民幣千元 3,637,049RMB Thousand 人民幣千元 35.2%16.5%0.13RMB 人民幣元2,676,065RMB Thousand 人民幣千元 1,705,623RMB Thousand 人民幣千元 10,318,094RMB Thousand 人民幣千元 % ChangeFor the six months ended June 30, 2022截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月 For the six months ended June 30, 2021截至二零二一年六月三十日止六個月百分比變動 管理層討論及分析Management Discussion and Analysis Dali Foods Group Company Limited / Interim Report 20226MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理層討論及分析MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISIn 2022, the overall macro-environment remained challenging due to the resurgence of the epidemic in many parts of China. Gross domestic product and total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 2.5% and decreased by 0.7% for the first half of the year respectively, recording slower growth compared to the growth rates of 8.1% and 12.5% for the year 2021. In addition, raw material prices experienced a significant increase due to geopolitical uncertainties, which put pressure on the overall profitability of the downstream sectors. In face of the challenges, the Group benefited from the segment layout of mass daily consumption with relatively stable demand in each category, demonstrating strong risk resistance. In terms of the supply chain, the Group’s nationwide factory layout ensured normal production operation, and its nati