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mobfdevTOPFINTECHTRENDSOF2022:THEPOWEROFTECHNOLOGYTOTRANSFORMFINANCEwrittenbyMaksimBieliaiBATeamLeader,FintechMarketAnalystatMobiDev mobideyTopMachineLearningBestAgencyDevelopmentCompanyinUkraineSOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTFORVISIONARIESWHOCREATEPRODUCTSWEB&CLOUDAR&MOBILEINFRASTRUCTUREAPPSAIANDMACHINEIOT&HARDWARELEARNINGINTEGRATIONForStartupsFor EmergingcompaniesFor EnterprisesGuaranteed deliveryYou can adapt to evolvingTop US-level qualityon time and on budgetbusinessneedsandincreaseROlfor 1/3 the price to bringNo surpriseswith ourflexible, provenprocesses3x features to your product450+Products100%Approval rating300+English speakinglaunchedby UpworkprofessionalsFind moreatwww.mobidev.bizInfo@mobidev.biz+18883800276UNITEDSTATESOFFICEUNITEDKINGDOMOFFICEENGINEERINGOFFICEINPOLANDENGINEERINGOFFICEINUKRAINEAtlanta, GeorgiaSheffieldodChernivts TableofContentsGlobal FintechMarketTrendsWEB3.OANDBLOCKCHAINPROVIDESECURITYANDDECENTRALIZATIONARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCEMAKESFINANCIALOPERATIONSSMARTEREMBEDDEDFINANCEEXPANDSSERVICESRANGEFintech Lending TrendsPEER-TO-PEER(P2P)LOANSBUYNOWPAYLATER(BNPL)FintechPaymentTrendsCONTACTLESSPAYMENTSAREON THE RISEAFTERTHE PANDEMICREQUESTTOPAYTECHNOLOGYLOWERSTRANSACTIONCOSTSFintech Banking TrendsOPEN BANKING EXPANDSBANKECOSYSTEMNEOBANKSOFFERMOBILE-FIRSTSERVICESATLOWERCOSTBANKING-AS-A-SERVICEENABLESNEWSOURCESOFGROWTHFintech Investment TrendsCRYPTOASSETS ARECOMINGALONGWITH THEMETAVERSEROBO-ADVISORSANDPEMS FORNOVICEINVESTORSThe Future of the Fintech Industry1 As one of the most disruptive industries, fintech has significantly changed theway we interact with financial companies over the past decade and hasn'tstopped there, Each year brings us new innovations designed to meet growingcustomer expectations. That's why it's important for business owners andexecutives to understand where we are now and where we're headed withfinancial technology in order to maintain relevancy and competitiveness. Let'stalk about the top fintech trends that drive the market.GlobalFintechMarketTrendsBefore diving into specific fintech areas, let's take a look at the general fintechmarket trends that are game-changing for the financial technology scene.WEB3.OANDBLOCKCHAINPROVIDESECURITYANDDECENTRALIZATIONFollowing lofty promises and ambitious visions of the future of the Internet, web3.o technologies and blockchain exploded worldwide. Consumers areincreasingly favoring the ownership of digital goods, made possible bynon-fungible tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrencies. Blockchain is exactly theexceptional security and providing the necessary financial infrastructure. Whilecryptocurrencies are a means of payment there, NFTs are reliable proof ofownership of a particular digital asset.Based on the implementation of blockchain, artificial intelligence and machinelearning, and the Internet of Things, Web 3.0 offers a high level ofdecentralization and personalization, providing financial services users with acompletely new customer experience. For example, blockchain allowspeer-to-peer transactions without financial intermediaries like banks. However,this does not take banks out of a growing trend. The American banking companyJ.P. Morgan, announced last year the use of blockchain technology in its newConfirm solution, designed to reduce the cost of payments between bankinginstitutions around the world.2 So, blockchain is still an integral part of the development of the fintech market.According to Markets and Markets, the fintech blockchain market size isexpected to grow from $230.0 million in 2017 to $6,228.2 million by 2023.ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCEMAKESFINANCIALOPERATIONSSMARTERFintech solutions involve a great deal of data, and there's no better technologyto handle all that data than artificial intelligence. Specifically, machine learning.Al helps with a number of areas of fintech, like risk management, fraudbanking experience, and automating workflows for team members andcustomers.Artificial intelligence is best used for recognizing patterns in data, and thenAl-powered solutions can give suggestions based on findings to help usersreduce or optimize their spending. Al allows financial companies to track thefinancial health of customers by collecting and processing information abouttheir cash accounts, credit accounts and investments to provide customers withrelevant and more personalized services. This can be done through tailoredbudgeting plans and spending analysis.ReadalsoHow To Build an Al-Powered Financial Assistant AppThe Royal Bank of Canada uses the power of Al to improve user experience andmillions of data points, accelerating financial forecast analysis and enabling acompany to build and deploy Al-powered apps more efficiently. And this is notthe only example. According to Mordor Intelligence, Al in the fintech market isexpected to grow from $7.91 billion in 2020 to $26.67 billion by 2026.3 EMBEDDEDFINANCEEXPANDSSERVICESRANGEAnother top fintech trend is embedded finance, which allows financialtechnologies to be integrated into