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中怡国际2021 中期报告

中怡国际2021 中期报告

2021Interim Report中期報告EcoGreen, Eco-Friendly愛地球、愛眾生 Contents目錄2Chairman’s Statement主席報告9Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論與分析13Condensed Consolidated Income Statement簡明合併利潤表14Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income簡明合併綜合收益表15Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet簡明合併資產負債表17Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity簡明合併權益變動表18Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows簡明合併現金流量表19Notes to the Interim Financial Information中期財務資料附註37Disclosure of Interests權益披露40Other Information其他資料42Corporate Information公司資料44Shareholder Information股東資料 2EcoGreen International Group Limited • 中怡國際集團有限公司Chairman’s Statement主席報告FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS(All amounts in RMB million unless otherwise stated)Six months ended 30 June截至6月30日止六個月20212020Change2021年2020年變動 Revenue收入1,3501,165+16%Gross profit毛利300.3293.6+2%Operating profit經營溢利231.6229.0+1%EBITDA未扣除利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷前盈利305.3271.9+12%Adjusted EBITDA (Note i)經調整未扣除利息、 稅項、折舊及攤銷前 盈利(附註i)278.1253.3+10%Profit for the period attributable to owners of the Company本公司持有人期內利潤158.9146.7+8%Basic earnings per share (RMB cents)每股基本盈利(人民幣分)20.5018.93+8%Interim dividend per share (HK cents)每股中期股息(港幣仙)1.81.8–Net asset value per share (RMB)每股資產淨值(人民幣)3.583.10+15% Note:(i) Details of the adjusted EBITDA is set out in Note 6.財務摘要(除另有指名者外,所有款額以百萬元人民幣列值)附註:(i) 經調整之末扣除利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷前盈利的詳情載於附註6。 3Interim Report 2021 • 二零二一年中期報告Chairman’s Statement主席報告主席報告回顧本人謹代表董事會向各股東匯報本集團截至二零二一年六月三十日止六個月之業績。集團期內營業額約為人民幣13.5億元,與去年同期相比上升16%;未經審核之期內股東應佔賬面利潤同比增加8%至人民幣1.59億元(二零二零年上半年:人民幣1.47億元);期內未計利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷之溢利(「EBITDA」)為人民幣3.05億元,同比增長12%。期內每股基本溢利為人民幣20.50分(二零二零年上半年:人民幣18.93分)。為了回報廣大股東之支持,董事會決議通過宣派二零二一年中期股息每股港幣1.8仙(二零二零年上半年:港幣1.8仙 )。二零二一年仍然充滿挑戰及不明朗因素。新冠疫情持續在全球反復蔓延,給各行業的經營和全球貿易的供應鏈持續帶來了極大的壓力。期間,全球多種大宗原料價格大幅度上漲。而最大的挑戰來自國際物流,由於疫情導致運力嚴重下降,上半年運費普遍飆升4-5倍,且仍「一櫃難求」。可幸的是,在精細化工領域尤其是香精香料的行業中,景氣穩中有升,日用必需品特別是抗疫產品的全球需求仍然旺盛,尤以抗疫、洗滌、消毒、衛生材料等用品在疫情中的市場需求頗為殷切。在這樣的環境下,本集團秉承著「安全生產、穩定供應、優良品質、誠信經營」的經營信念,持續精進,獲得了全球客戶的高度信任與認同。本集團也以優質及穩定的供應,在疫情期間為國內和全球的客戶提供了主要保障,以應對迫切的市場需求,為全球抗疫作出了貢獻。所有這些的努力,為集團在疫情的逆境經營中持續贏得了不俗的業績。CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENTReviewOn behalf of the board of directors (the “Board”), I would like to report the interim results of the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2021 (the “Period”) to the shareholders. During the Period, the Group’s turnover rose by 16% year on year to approximately RMB1.35 billion. Unaudited profit attributable to owners of the Company for the Period increased by 8% year on year to RMB159 million (1H2020: RMB147 million). Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”) increased by 12% year on year to RMB305 million. Basic earnings per share for the Period amounted to RMB20.50 cents (1H2020: RMB18.93 cents). In appreciation of the shareholders’ support, the Board resolved to declare an interim dividend of HK1.8 cents per share for the Period (1H2020: HK1.8 cents).2021 is still undergone with challenges and uncertainties. The novel coronavirus pneumonia pandemic (“pandemic”) continues to linger worldwide, bringing enormous pressure to all walks of life and the global supply chain. During the Period, the prices of various bulk raw materials around the world has risen sharply and international logistics has become the greatest challenge. The severe drop in capacity brought about by the pandemic has caused freight rates to generally soar by 4 to 5 times in the first half of the year and led to the critical shortage of shipping containers. In the field of fine chemical, the flavours and fragrances sectors in particular, however, managed to realize steady growth. The global demand for daily necessities and anti-pandemic supplies remained robust. The demand for products such as anti-pandemic supplies, washing agents, disinfectants and hygiene materials was especially urgent in the markets that were still affected by the pandemic. Despite the gloomy operating environment, the Group continued to pursue excellence ceaselessly with the operating principle of “safe production, stable supply, superb quality, and great integrity”, the Group has gained trust and recognition from clients around the world. In response to the urgent market demand, the Group has provided great support to clients in China and other countries around the world with superb product quality and stable supply, contributing to the worldwide efforts to combat against the pandemic. These efforts have helped the Group to achieve good results despite the dire situation of the pandemic. 4EcoGreen International Group Limited • 中怡國際集團有限公司Chairman’s Statement主席報告在業務發展的同時,本集團一如既往地堅守綠色化工和安全可持續發展的經營方針,努力地成為全球同行在產業安全與環境保護上的經營典範。從綠色原料、綠色技術、到綠色營運,再到綠色融資,本集團以實際的成就力證了「Ecogreen,Eco-friendly」、「愛地球,愛眾生」的企業宗旨。業績期內,本集團三大類業務均錄得增長,古雷、長泰兩個新廠區各項建設都取得了良好的進展。長泰和古雷廠區的陸續建成投產,正在為集團帶來新的營收貢獻。同時,從現在起至未來五年,立足於國家級古雷石化園區的中怡化工產業製造基地(古雷廠區),將會通過在石化下游產業鏈延伸的供應鏈協同發展和價值創造,為集團落實安全、環保、可持續快速發展的戰略提供關鍵保證。核心業務方面,





