上市指南 Go Public审计及鉴证Audit & Assurance求实启思Aspire with Assurance 上市指南 Go Public审计及鉴证Audit & Assurance求实启思Aspire with Assurance 02在专家协助下上市首次公开发行股票之路筹备上市尽职调查全国上市业务组主管合伙人办事处地址 1在专家协助下上市Go public with the experts上市指南Go Public | 在专家协助下上市Go public with the experts 1 2Turning a business into a publicly traded company in the stock market through an initial public offering (IPO) is a milestone that calls for the combined efforts of advisers from the accounting, legal, financial advisory and underwriting professions.As a professional services firm, we can advise and assist you to navigate the complex route to becoming a public company. Our experts from the National Public Offering Group deliver immediate, comprehensive services across the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong.We have also helped companies list in other markets, including the US, UK, Singapore, Canada, Japan and Korea through working together with our IPO experts in other Deloitte member firms.Why go public?Companies need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of going public thoroughly before making a decision on whether to list.Advantages •Access to the capital market •Better visibility and credibility •Reduced need for personal funding and guarantees •Liquidity for shareholders •Enhanced corporate governance •Attracting and retaining talented employees •Enhanced reputation and brand recognition •Ability to raise capital through equity offerings and debt financing •Potential for greater access to global capital markets •Greater control over corporate decisions and operations 3The road to IPO上市前准备工作尽职调查全国上市业务组主管合伙人办事处地址 1在专家协助下上市Go public with the experts上市指南Go Public | 在专家协助下上市Go public with the experts 1 2Turning a business into a publicly traded company in the stock market through an initial public offering (IPO) is a milestone that calls for the combined efforts of advisers from the accounting, legal, financial advisory and underwriting professions.As a professional services firm, we can advise and assist you to navigate the complex route to becoming a public company. Our experts from the National Public Offering Group deliver immediate, comprehensive services across the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong.We have also helped companies list in other markets, including the US, UK, Singapore, Canada, Japan and Korea through working together with our IPO experts in other Deloitte member firms.Why go public?Companies need to consider the advantages