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Please see important notice on the last page. 1 of 18 Company Report CHINA SHIPPING CONT-H(02866.HK) China Shipping Container Line (“CSCL”) is a China-based container shipping company. CSCL's core business is container shipping that accounts for more than 98% of its revenues. Although its financial results fluctuated in past years, we expect CSCL’s profitability remains solid during FY12-FY14 reflecting the slight recovery of the international container shipping market. We set our target price at HK$2.70, based on 1.2 x 2012E BVPS. We initiate coverage with Outperform rating. Large scale fleet structure CSCL's vessels more than 4000TEU amounts to 87.6% in 2012. CSCL will add three 10,000 TEU vessels in 2013. Considering partial capacity to exit, CSCL is expected with total capacity of 603,000 TEU in 2013.In 2014, CSCL will add another five 10,000 TEU vessels. CSCL will continue to optimize fleet structure in the next two years. We expect the capacity ratio of large vessels will rise relevantly. CSCL released FY12 positive profit alert CSCL expects FY12 net profit of approximately RMB520 million, turning around from a loss of RMB2,743 million in FY11.The Profit was mainly attributable to improvement in the shipping market trends in 2012, increased demand for container transportation and gradual recovery of freight rates. CSCL disposed containers to optimize fleet structure and cash flow. We estimate the loaded container volume of CSCL is up by 9.9%yoy in 2012, and the average freight rate is up by 3.1%yoy. Valuation and rating We expect CSCL’s profitability remains solid during FY12-FY14. We set our target price at HK$2.70, based on 1.2x 2012E BVPS, implies 12.5% upside potential. Our rating is Outperform. Investment risks Global container shipping demand growth weak, rising fuel prices and freignt rates decline. Financials RMB mn 2010 2011 2012E 2013E 2014E Revenue 34,809 28,246 32,016 36,788 42,606 Growth(%) 76 -19 13 15 16 Net income 4,203 -2,743 520 547 1,977 Growth(%) NA NA NA 5 242 EPS(yuan) 0.36 -0.23 0.04 0.05 0.17 DPS(yuan) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P/E(X) 6.7 NA 53.9 51.3 14.2 P/B(X) 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 ROE(%) 15.4 -9.9 2.0 2.1 7.1 Source: Company data, CMS(HK) estimates Outperform (Initial Coverage) TP:HK$2.70 Current price:HK$2.40 China Merchants Securities (HK) Yiqian Li, Colleen Li 0755-83271060 liyiqian@cmschina.com.cn 5 Feb 2013 Key data HSI Index 23685.01 HSCEI Index 12156.58 S/O(mn) 1168313 S/O (HK)(mn) 375100 Mkt cap (HK) (mn) 9002 BVPS(RMB) 2.23 Major share holder Holding (%) China Shipping Group 45.9% Free float 54.1% Industry Marine Share performance % 1m 6m 12m Absolute return -1 2 -17 Relative return -3 -12 -28 Source:Bloomberg Related research -40-2002040Feb/12May/12Sep/12Jan/13(%)02866.HKHSI IndexPositive profit alert for 2012, initiate at Outperform 请务必阅读正文之后的免责条款部分 2 of 18 公司报告 中海集运(02866.HK) 中海集运(以下称“公司”)是中国海运集团的下属公司,核心业务为集装箱航运,该项业务营业收入占公司总收入的比重超过98%。公司实行运力扩张策略,较大型船舶占比不断上升。公司的盈利随着航运业形势的变化波动很大,考虑到集运市场供需关系逐步好转,我们预计公司2012-2014年盈利逐年上升。我们按照目标PB法,对公司估值为HK$2.70,给予“优于大市”投资评级。 船队结构大型化 2012年公司大于4000TEU的船舶运力占比为87.6%。2013年公司将有3条1万TEU大船交付,考虑到部分运力退出,预计2013年总运力为60.3万TEU, 净增运力不大。2014年,公司将有5条1万TEU大船交付。随着未来两年较大型船舶交付、小型老旧船舶退租或转租,较大型船舶占比还将有所上升。 中海集运公布2012年正面盈利预测 公司预计2012年录得股东应占净利润为5.2亿元(人民币,下同),较之2011 年的27.4 亿元的净亏损实现同比扭亏为盈。业绩预告基本符合市场预期。录得盈利主要因为航运市场形势有所改善,集运需求有所回暖,欧美航线运价逐步恢复,公司争取航线效益最大化,使经营业绩取得改善。我们预计2012年公司集装箱运输总量同比增长9.9%,综合平均运价同比上涨3.1%。 估值与评级 我们预计中海集运2012-2014年盈利稳定。我们将公司的目标PB定为1.2倍。我们以2012年末预测每股净资产对公司估值为每股HK$2.70,相对于当前股价隐含12.5%的上升空间,给予“优于大市”投资评级。 投资风险 全球集装箱运输业务需求增长依然缓慢,燃油费用高企,集装箱运价面临下行风险。 盈利预测及估值 人民币 百万元 2010 2011 2012E 2013E 2014E 营业额 34,809 28,246 32,016 36,788 42,606 同比增长(%) 76 -19 13 15 16 净利润 4,203 -2,743 520 547 1,977 同比增长(%) NA NA NA 5 242 每股盈利(元) 0.36 -0.23 0.04 0.05 0.17 每股股息(元) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 市盈率(X) 6.7 NA 53.9 51.3 14.2 市净率(X) 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 ROE(%) 15.4 -9.9 2.0 2.1 7.1 资料来源:公司资料,招商证券(香港)预测优于大市 (首次评级) 目标价:HK$2.70 现价:HK$2.40 招商证券(香港)研究部 李艺倩,李康 0755-83271060 liyiqian@cmschina.com.cn 2013年2月5日 基础数据 恒生指数 23685.01 H股指数 12156.58 总股数(万股) 1168313 港股股数(万股) 375100 港股市值(港元百万) 9002 每股净资产(RMB) 2.23 主要股东 持股(%) 中国海运(集团)总公司 45.9% 自由流通量 54.1% 行业 海运 股价表现 % 1m 6m 12m 绝对表现 -1 2 -17 相对恒指表现 -3 -12 -28 资料来源:彭博 相关报告 -40-2002040Feb/12May/12Sep/12Jan/13(%)02866.HKHSI Index预计2012年盈利实现扭亏为盈 请务必阅读正文之后的免责条款部分