1. Data and Analytics
2. Policy and Institutions
- NDC Commitments: Ghana has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
- NDC Implementation: Progress is being made, but there are challenges in implementation and monitoring.
- National Forest Plantation Strategy: A strategy exists but needs more operational support.
- REDD+ Strategy: A REDD+ strategy is in place, but it requires further refinement and implementation.
- Adaptation and Biodiversity Strategies: These strategies are under development but need stronger institutional backing.
- Marine Spatial Planning and the Blue Economy: There are plans for marine spatial planning, but implementation is lagging.
- Tenure and Legal Protection for Blue Carbon Ecosystems: Legal frameworks exist but enforcement remains weak.
- Community Governance: Community governance structures are in place but require strengthening.
- Community Benefit Sharing and Carbon Rights: These mechanisms are being developed but face challenges.
- Institutional Framework: The overall institutional framework is supportive but needs more coordination and resources.
3. Finance
- Blue Carbon Finance Strategy: A strategy exists, but funding mechanisms are underdeveloped.
- Operationalized Funding Tools: Limited tools are available for operationalizing financial support.
- National REDD+ Strategy: The national REDD+ strategy includes financial components but needs more detailed implementation plans.
- Blended Finance: Opportunities for blended finance exist but are not fully utilized.
- Donor Funding: Donor funding is available but insufficient and inconsistent.
- Carbon Markets as Means of Investment: Carbon markets offer potential but are not yet fully integrated into Ghana’s financial landscape.
- Other Funding Opportunities: Various other funding opportunities are available but require more awareness and utilization.
4. Recommendations
- Pillar 1: Data and Analytics: Improve data collection and analysis capabilities, enhance monitoring systems, and integrate socioeconomic valuation.
- Pillar 2: Policy: Strengthen policy frameworks, enhance implementation and monitoring, and improve institutional coordination.
- Pillar 3: Finance: Develop and operationalize financing mechanisms, leverage blended finance, and increase donor funding.
Overall, Ghana has made some progress in blue carbon readiness but faces significant challenges in data collection, policy implementation, and financial support. Improvements in these areas are critical for effective management and protection of blue carbon ecosystems.