ResourcestoReserves2013: Oil, Gas and Coal Technologies for the Energy Markets of the Future
Executive Summary
- Key Findings: The availability of oil and gas resources is sufficient to sustain likely growth for the foreseeable future. However, the development and production of these resources will become increasingly technically challenging.
- Context: Amid a boom in shale gas and oil development in North America, the book explores the cutting-edge technologies needed to find, produce, and bring these reserves to the market.
- Challenges: The book investigates whether oil and gas resources can be produced at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner while protecting environmentally sensitive areas.
Setting the Scene
Contributions and Acknowledgments
- Preparation: Prepared by the International Energy Agency (IEA) Energy Technology Policy Division under the leadership of Didier Houssin and Jean-François Gagné.
- Authors and Analysts: Comprises many current and former colleagues at the IEA, including Kamel Bennaceur, Michael Cohen, John Corben, Anselm Eisentraut, Carlos Fernández Alvarez, Capella Festa, David Fyfe, Steve Heinen, Antonio Pflüger, Wolf Heidug, Uwe Remme, and Andreas Ulbig.
- External Contributions: Significant contributions came from Willem Schulte, Maggi Rademacher, and Sandro Schmidt, among others.
- Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Jostein Dahl Karlsen, Rebecca Gaghen, and Muriel Custodio for their support in bringing the manuscript to publication.
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary: Page 17
- Chapter 1: Setting the Scene: Page 25
- Global Energy Demand
- Implications for Future Energy Markets
This summary highlights the key points and data presented in the report, focusing on the technical challenges and opportunities in the oil, gas, and coal industries.