The December 2020 issue of the international studies journal "Resurgimiento de la Derecha en América Latina: Nuevas Coaliciones y Agendas" explores the resurgence of the right-wing political movement across Latin American countries. The publication features a wide array of analyses and articles, which collectively delve into various aspects such as new political coalitions, evolving agendas, and the strategies employed by the right-wing parties.
The introductory section outlines the overarching theme of the resurgence of the right-wing in Latin America, providing a foundational context for understanding the complex dynamics at play within this region's political landscape. This is followed by a series of detailed analyses that dissect specific elements of this phenomenon:
"Los Dueños de América Latina: Las Redes entre los Grandes Propietarios Transnacionales" by José Antonio Sanahuja and Camilo López Burian examines the intricate web of connections between large multinational owners, shedding light on how these individuals influence the socio-political landscape in Latin America.
"Las Derechas Neopatriotas en América Latina: Contestación al Orden Liberal Internacional" by Stéphanie Alenda, Julieta Suárez-Cao, and Carmen Le Foulon scrutinizes the rise of neo-patriotic right-wing movements and their response to international liberal order challenges.
"La Derecha Chilena en la Encrucijada: La Contrahegemonía de Los Liderazgos Subnacionales y Solidarios" by Karin Fischer and Harald Waxenecker focuses on the Chilean right-wing, particularly in relation to decentralization and solidarity-led leadership.
"Las Mujeres de las Derechas Latinoamericanas del Siglo XXI" by Mayra Goulart and André Luiz Coelho specifically addresses the role of women within contemporary Latin American right-wing politics.
These articles, along with others that explore topics like the role of elite power in Guatemala, the trajectory of Peru's right-wing from dominance to crisis, the strategic use of democracy by Venezuelan right-wing forces, the rise of religious and security-oriented conservatism in Brazil, and more, provide a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted resurgence of the right-wing in Latin America.
The issue also includes book reviews and summaries, offering critical insights into the current state of right-wing politics in Latin America and beyond. The collective work of this issue serves to deepen our understanding of the complexities involved in this resurgence and its implications for regional stability and democratic processes.