The report shows that OgilvyMiao Run, Huawei, and Biogen were the top winners in the RANK THISMONTHRANK LASTMONTHAGENCYRECENT WINSESTIMATED YTDWIN REVENUE (RMB ¥m)RECENT LOSSESESTIMATEDOVERALL YTDREVENUE (RMB ¥m)No.ofWins list with a total revenue of 332.7 million RMB. The second place was occupied by Wunderman Thompson with a total revenue of 25.2 million RMB. BBDO, CHANGAN EV - C385, Bosch, and DALI Electric (Bytedance) Project were the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth places respectively with a total revenue of 24.2 million RMB. McCann WorldGroup, Fujifilm (Instax) Project, and RSComponents Project were seventh, eighth, and ninth places with a total revenue of 13.1 million RMB. The report also shows that the creative agencies' new business league in China has seen a YoY decrease of -1.1% and -40.0% in 2022 compared to 2021.