The report is about the Auto Industry REACH Guidelines version 4.0, which was developed by the European Union. REACH is a regulation that came into effect on June 1, 2007, and affects all industries. It requires immediate and ongoing action from OEMs and suppliers. Under REACH, high-risk substances (SVHCs) are subject to authorization, and substances that are unacceptable to human health or the environment are subject to restrictions. Compliance with REACH is the responsibility of all businesses operating within the EEA, including customers and subsidiaries of EEA-based businesses. The Auto Industry REACH Task Force (TF-REACH) was established by all major car manufacturers and the automotive supply chain to coordinate the REACH sections and avoid duplication and confusion. The REACH approach and recommendations are outlined in the Auto Industry REACH Guidelines version 4.0. Since the publication of version 3.1 on March 1, 2012, the REACH process has gone through significant steps, including the continuous growth of the candidate list (CL) and the amendment of the term "article" by the EU Court. The first deadline for authorization applications has passed, and the industry has been given the obligation to apply for authorization. The guidelines have been updated to consider upcoming procedures such as the use of purpose-specific authorization, the reporting of substances on the candidate list in finished products, and the increasing number of substances on the candidate list. The guidelines are a result of the accumulated experience of the automotive industry and the REACH Task Force's cooperation.