Arthur D. Little's energy practice forecasts growth in Global CAPEX and maintenance spending of 3.8% CAGR from 2011 to 2016, with most of the growth driven by new investments in exploration and production. By 2016, spending on new-build facilities in selected energy-based industries will increase by 3.8% CAGR, with maintenance spend showing overall growth of 4.1% CAGR to 2016. The strongest growth is expected to come from the petrochemical and E&P segments and the Middle East, Asian and Latin American markets. In contrast, ADL forecasts that the market for consumable products in Europe and North America will experience relatively weaker growth of 3.1%-3.4% CAGR over the period 2011 to 2016. The research note presents Arthur D. Little's recent exploration and production in the upstream oil and gas industry forecasts for global expenditure in four key process industries: refining, chemical, power generation, and nuclear power generation. The forecasting model is based on creditable data from the International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Outlook and the KCIS database.