The Heritage Foundation's report, "Trade Promotion Authority: A Road Map for Congress," discusses the importance of advancing trade freedom for families, individuals, and businesses. The report suggests that Congress should modify Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to focus on advancing trade freedom and allow cooperation between the executive branch and Congress. The report also notes that when U.S. tariffs and non-tariff barriers are low, families, individuals, and businesses have access to more affordable and diverse products. The report argues that new free trade agreements that lower barriers at home and abroad are an integral tool for advancing trade freedom. Congress has the power to regulate trade under the Constitution, but it has delegated some of its power to the executive branch to aid in the negotiation and passage of trade agreements. In the past, Congress has only delegated the authority to modify tariff rates, but in recent years, it has expanded the executive branch's authority through the passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). The report concludes that Congress should evaluate the process and make improvements to TPA to ensure that future trade agreements focus on advancing trade freedom and allow for cooperation between the executive branch and Congress.