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中奥到家2023 中期报告

中奥到家2023 中期报告

目錄CONTENTSCorporate Information公司資料2Highlights摘要5Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss中期簡明綜合損益表6Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income中期簡明綜合全面 收益表7Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position中期簡明綜合財務 狀況表8Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity中期簡明綜合權益 變動表10Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows中期簡明綜合現金 流量表12Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Information中期簡明綜合財務 資料附註14Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論與分析44Corporate Governance企業管治59Other Information其他資料61 2ZHONG AO HOME GROUP LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2023公司資料CORPORATE INFORMATIONEXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr. Liu Jian (Chairman and chief executive officer)Ms. Chen ZhuoMr. Liang BingMr. Long WeiminNON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr. Wu Zhihua(1)Ms. Jin KeliMs. Xu Yaping(2)INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr. Chan Wai Cheung, AdmiralMr. Chan Ka Leung, KevinMr. Huang Anxin(3)Mr. Yin Weizhong(4)AUDIT COMMITTEEMr. Chan Wai Cheung, Admiral (Chairman)Mr. Chan Ka Leung, KevinMr. Huang Anxin(3)Mr. Yin Weizhong(4)REMUNERATION COMMITTEEMr. Chan Ka Leung, Kevin (Chairman)Ms. Chen ZhuoMr. Chan Wai Cheung, AdmiralNOMINATION COMMITTEEMr. Liu Jian (Chairman)Mr. Chan Wai Cheung, AdmiralMr. Chan Ka Leung, Kevin執行董事劉建先生(主 席兼行政總裁)陳卓女士梁兵先生龍為民先生非執行董事吳志華先生(1)金科麗女士徐亞萍女士(2)獨立非執行董事陳偉璋先生陳家良先生黃安心先生(3)尹衛忠先生(4)審核委員會陳偉璋先生(主 席)陳家良先生黃安心先生(3)尹衛忠先生(4)薪酬委員會陳家良先生(主 席)陳卓女士陳偉璋先生提名委員會劉建先生(主 席)陳偉璋先生陳家良先生Notes:(1) Mr. Wu Zhihua has tendered his registration as non-executive director of the Company with effect from 10 July 2023.(2) Ms. Xu Yaping has been appointed as non-executive director of the Company on 10 July 2023.(3) Mr. Huang Anxin has tendered his resignation as an independent non-executive director and a member of the audit committee of the Company with effect from 1 July 2023.(4) Mr. Yin Weizhong has been appointed as an independent non-executive director and a member of the audit committee of the Company on 1 July 2023.附註:(1) 吳志華先生已辭任本公司的非執行董事, 自2023年7月10日生效。(2) 徐亞萍女士已於2023年7月10日獲委任為非執行董事。(3) 黃安心先生已辭任本公司的獨立非執行董事及審核委員會成員,自2023年7月1日生效。(4) 尹衛忠先生已於2023年7月1日獲委任為獨立非執行董事及審核委員會成員。 3中奧到家集團有限公司 2023 中期報告CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料公司秘書鄺麟基先生授權代表陳卓女士鄺麟基先生註冊辦事處Cricket SquareHutchins DriveP.O. Box 2681Grand Cayman, KY1-1111Cayman Islands香港主要營業地點香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道5號海港城海洋中心6樓613B室中華人民共和國總部及 主要營業地點 中國廣東省佛山市順德區陳村鎮赤花社區白陳路2號太平洋鼎旺商業中心1棟1601公司網址www.gdzawy.com香港交易所股份代號1538投資者關係電郵:ir@zahomegroup.comCOMPANY SECRETARYMr. Kwong Lun Kei, VictorAUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVESMs. Chen ZhuoMr. Kwong Lun Kei, VictorREGISTERED OFFICECricket SquareHutchins DriveP.O. Box 2681Grand Cayman, KY1-1111Cayman IslandsPRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN HONG KONGSuite 613B, 6th FloorOcean Centre, Harbour City5 Canton Road, TsimshatsuiKowloon, Hong KongHEADQUARTERS AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA1601 Block 1Pacific Dingwang Commercial Center,2 Baichen Lu, Chihua She Qu,Chencun Town, Shunde District, Foshan City,Guangdong Province, the PRCCOMPANY WEBSITEwww.gdzawy.comHKEX STOCK CODE1538INVESTOR RELATIONSEmail: ir@zahomegroup.com 4ZHONG AO HOME GROUP LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2023CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料核數師安永會計師事務所執業會計師註冊公眾利益實體核數師香港鰂魚涌英皇道979號太古坊一座27樓主要往來銀行中國銀行(香 港) 有限公司中國建設銀行(亞 洲) 股份有限公司招商銀行股份有限公司交通銀行股份有限公司香港分行中國工商銀行股份有限公司開曼群島證券登記總處 Conyers Trust Company (Cayman) LimitedCricket SquareHutchins DriveP.O. Box 2681Grand Cayman, KY1-1111Cayman Islands香港股份過戶及登記分處 香港中央證券登記有限公司香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心17樓1712–1716號舖AUDITORErnst & YoungCertified Public AccountantsRegistered Public Interest Entity Auditor27/F, One Taikoo Place979 King’s RoadQuarry Bay, Hong KongPRINCIPAL BANKERSBank of China (Hong Kong) LimitedChina Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation LimitedChina Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.Bank of Communication Co., Ltd. Hong Kong BranchIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China LimitedPRINCIPAL SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE IN CAYMAN ISLANDSConyers Trust Company (Cayman) LimitedCricket SquareHutchins DriveP.O. Box 2681Grand Cayman, KY1-1111Cayman IslandsHONG KONG BRANCH SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICEComputershare Hong Kong Investor Services LimitedShops 1712–1716, 17th FloorHopewell Centre183 Queen’s Road East, WanchaiHong Kong 5中奧到家集團有限公司 2023 中期報告摘要HIGHLIGHTSSix months ended 30 June截至6 月30 日 止六個月202320222023年2022年RMB’000RMB’000人民幣千元人民幣千元(Unaudited)(Unaudited)Change(未 經審核)(未 經審核)變動 Revenue收益856,517821,1834.3%Gross profit毛利185,661195,335–5.0%Net profit純利53,60866,383–19.2%Profit attributable to owners of the parent母公司擁有人應佔利潤48,53960,822–20.2% Gross profit margin (%)毛利率(%)21.7%23.8%–2.1pp個百分點Net profit margin (%)純利率(%)6.3%8.1%–1.8pp個百分點 Earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent母公司普通權益持有人 應佔每股盈利 Basic and diluted 基本及攤薄 — For profit for the period (RMB) — 期內利潤(人 民幣元)0.0570.071–20.0% 6ZHONG AO HOME GROUP LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2023中期簡



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