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XTD the Hub x Peppa summer party 2017’2017.06.20_R03IP fans club powered by de-One event management limited •2017’ Level 1 floor plan佩奇游乐园Popup Store兑票/奖品换领中心Scenario description 故事情节:1.学校露营 School Camping2.宠物兽医的乌龟 Doctor Hamster's Tortoise3.热气球之旅 Air Balloon4.玩泡泡 Bubbles5.体育课 Sports Day6.幼儿益智墙体游戏 Board games7.大恐龙乐园 Dinosaur Park8.世界上最大的泥坑 Muddy Puddles THE HUBPeppa’ playgroundTicket Box /Redemption Counter小猪佩奇礼物店 Level 2 (Game Booths) 1.猪爷爷的轮船(拍摄区)Grand Pa’s Boat (DP)2. 小鸭子乐园—垂钓类游戏 Duckling Pond3. 夏日保龄球—投球类游戏 Bowling Games4. 沙滩乐园—儿童玩太空沙 Sand BeachLevel 2 floor planTHE HUB二楼主通道 购物中心一楼Shopping Mall Level 1 “100%还原剧情的互动游乐园指南”我们将给入园的小朋友每人发放一本互动游玩指南,在主题游乐园中的每个场景都可以在这本指南中与佩奇和朋友们一起体验各种有趣的小任务 ...Sing the “Bing bong song”Stage -1e.g. Basketball GamesStage -2Safe the TurtleStage -3Scenario description 故事情节:1.学校露营 School Camping2.宠物兽医的乌龟 Doctor Hamster's Tortoise3.热气球之旅 Air Balloon4.玩泡泡 Bubbles5.体育课 Sports Day6.幼儿益智墙体游戏 Board games7.大恐龙乐园 Dinosaur Park8.世界上最大的泥坑 Muddy Puddles “游戏Token币”XTD原设计 XTD current design itemToken design 原版元素票务台主题游乐园休息区体验游戏(一)夏日露营体验游戏(二)热气球冒险体验游戏(三)大恐龙滑梯体验游戏(四)欢乐跳泥坑新增设计 new design itemL1购物中心—中庭“佩奇夏日游乐园”Level 1 floor planPeppa PlaygroundStyle Guide design elementsGame Booth 1Summer CampingGame Booth 2Air BalloonTicket BoxGame Booth 3Dinosaur SliderResting AreaGame Booth 4Muddy Puddles 票务台主题游乐园休息区Game Booth2: Air BalloonGame Booth1: CampingGame Booth3: Dinosaur SliderGame Booth4: Muddy Puddlesentranceentranceentranceentrance游戏区入口說明Playground entrance description新增设计 new design itemL1购物中心—中庭“佩奇夏日游乐园”Level 1 floor planPeppa Playground 体验游戏(一)夏日露营Summer School Camping 儿童主题乐园Game Booth3: Dinosaur SliderentranceGame Booth4: Muddy PuddlesentranceGame Booth2: Air BalloonentranceEntrance description主题游乐园休息区新增设计 new design itemGame Booth1: CampingentranceResting AreaShoes Cabinet 儿童主题乐园新增设计 new design itemEntrance descriptionGame Booth3: Dinosaur SliderentranceGame Booth4: Muddy PuddlesentranceGame Booth2: Air BalloonentranceGame Booth1: Campingentrance主题游乐园休息区Resting AreaShoes Cabinet Game Booth 01Summer School Camping新增设计 new design itemGame Booth1: Campingentrance 新增设计 new design item 新增设计 new design itemGame Booth 01Summer School Camping 游乐园模拟场景,小朋友可以在这里和小猪佩奇还有她的朋友们一起参加校园露营。跟羚羊老师一起欢唱佩奇最喜欢的 Bing Bong Song 和露营生火过家家体验。原版场景还原一:133集仓鼠兽医的乌龟原版场景还原二:校园露营Peppa Summer Party新增设计 new design item“佩奇夏日游乐园”Join Peppa’s school camping, singing the “Bing Bong Song” with Peppa’s friends.You may found the Song Lyrics printed on our Playground guide book.Scenario 01: Doctor Hamster's TortoiseScenario 02: School Camping 体验游戏(二)热气球冒险Air Balloon 新增设计 new design itemGame Booth2: Air BalloonentranceGame Booth 02Air Balloon 新增设计 new design itemGame Booth 02Air Balloon 新增设计 new design itemGame Booth 02 (upper level)Air Balloon 游乐园二层来感受热气球之旅,下层是学校篮球场,佩奇和她的同学们在上体育课呢。原版场景还原三:热气球之旅Peppa Playground新增设计 new design itemScenario 03: Air Balloon“佩奇夏日游乐园”Game Booth 02 includes: Sports Day Playground (at lower level), Bubbles air balloon (at upper level) 热气球上的二层游乐区是佩奇和乔治一起玩泡泡的场所。气球在空气中不断飘扬!原版场景还原四:玩泡泡新增设计 new design itemPeppa Playground“佩奇夏日游乐园”Upper level of Air Balloon: enjoy the “Bubbles” air balloons flying in the air .Scenario 04: Bubbles 新增设计 new design itemGame Booth 02 (lower level)Basketball Playground 原版场景还原五:学校体育课新增设计 new design item下层是学校篮球场,佩奇和她的同学们在上体育课呢。Peppa Playground“佩奇夏日游乐园”Lower level: Sports Day Basketball playground. Interactive game by throw out the “Bubble Balls” in the pool.Scenario 05: Sports Day 感统训练游戏:墙面拼图感统训练:轨道游戏新增设计 new design item周边墙体上还设置供较小的婴幼儿感统训练游戏。Peppa Playground“佩奇夏日游乐园”Lower level playground: Board games for juvenile level children interactive with mummy . . Sensory integration training: tracks board games 体验游戏(三)大恐龙滑梯Dinosaur Slider 新增设计 new design itemGame Booth3: Dinosaur SliderentranceGame Booth 03Dinosaur Slider 新增设计 new design itemGame Booth 03Dinosaur Slider 巨型恐龙滑滑梯这是乔治最喜欢游玩项目了。原版场景还原七:恐龙滑滑梯新增设计 new design itemGame Booth 03Dinosaur SliderPeppa Playground“佩奇夏日游乐园”Scenario 07: Dinosaur SliderThe most favourite games for our Little George & friends. Soften air Inflatable slider. 体验游戏(四)欢乐跳泥坑Muddy Puddles 新增设计 new design item跳弹床游戏Trampolining gamesGame Booth4: Muddy PuddlesentranceGame Booth 04Trampolining Games 新增设计 new design itemGame Booth 04Trampolining Games跳弹床游戏Trampolining games跳弹床游戏Trampolining games 原版场景还原八:大家跳泥坑在恐龙的滑滑梯边是佩奇期待巳久和大家一起跳泥坑。原版元素跳弹床游戏新增设计 new design itemPeppa Playground“佩奇夏日游乐园”跳弹床游戏在恐龙的滑滑梯边是佩奇期待巳久和大家一起跳泥坑。Trampolining games跳弹床游戏Trampolining gamesFinally, everyone enjoys the most biggest Muddy Puddles for funs . . .Scenario 08: Muddy Puddles 主题游乐园休息区新增设计 new design itemresting area 主题游乐园外的休息区原版元素鞋柜独特造型的休息软座“佩奇夏日游乐园”新增设计 new design itemStyle Guide design elementsShoes StorageThematic Seats 游乐园服务台休息及换鞋区泥坑蹦床恐龙充气滑梯泡泡球游戏篮球场露营野餐幼儿益智墙体游戏Summer CampingBasketball playgroundTicket BoxDinosaur SliderResting AreaMuddy PuddlesBoard gamesBubble Balloon 游乐园服务台休息及换鞋区临时储物架泥坑蹦床恐龙充气滑梯泡泡球游戏篮球场露营野餐宠物兽医的乌龟Summer CampingBasketball playgroundTicket BoxDinosaur SliderResting AreaMuddy PuddlesBu