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Subway China Branding & Summer Campaign

Subway China Branding & Summer Campaign

Subway China Branding & 2021 SummerCampaignPresentation DeckByCARNIVO2021.03.25 “Allconsumerproductsareworthredoing.”“每一种消费品,都值得重做一遍。”Thefounder of AfuEssential Oil, Meng Xing(flowername:雕爷) 食品品牌崛起的底层逻辑已悄然巨变 #每日三省吾身##干饭人日常##选择困难# 吃出谈资吃出创意吃得新奇❓吃得刺激吃得满足吃出身份吃得健康纠结背后 Only The Extreme Of Flavor Can Lure Their Tastebud渴望口感冲击挑拨味蕾神经They never lose their enthusiasm for foodThey are always the first to try something newPushingbrands to put out flavor innovations KFC麻辣香锅风味堡Gelato Dal Cuore葱油拌面冰淇淋乐乐茶“可以吸的青团”雪花啤酒“小啤汽”碳酸饮料 Blind box and flavor innovation bring them a sense of surpriseYoucanneverimaginewhattheywilleat-more surprising , more exciting , more unknown and more adventurous钟薛高×泸州老窖“断片”白酒雪糕好丽友新年许愿系列盲盒木马通话黑暗餐厅摸黑用餐感受黑暗世界失重餐厅未来感十足Enriching Consumption Process Via Surprising Experiences丰富进食过程融合新奇体验 Food choices goes far beyond its flavor function but as a choice for self care –either for pure aesthetic pleasure (and potential social currency value) or for holistic wellness, or sometimes both combined.BeautyFood ForSelf Pleasure“New Functional” Food For Self Care高颜值美食·愉悦自我新功能食物·关爱自我McDonald’s荷包蛋拿铁WonderLab助眠夹心软糖汉口二厂玻尿酸气泡水 The Mother Of Gen Y Y世代妈妈YOUNG WHITE-COLLARS学生党年轻白领Blue-collar;students 蓝领阶层;宿舍学生党WHITE-COLLAR GEN Z 年轻白领Z世代Gen YY世代GEN Z’S CHOICEZ世代Gen X;town YouthX世代长辈小镇青年GEN Z ;WHITE-COLLARZ世代健身瘦身党白领女性NotChoosing The FoodBut An Identity And Lifestyle 我选择的不是食物而是生活方式OATSSODA WATERCEREALINSTANT NOODLE GenZ’sfoodpreferencegoes beyond stomach-feeding to reaching a higher level ofSELF-ACTUALIZATIONPleasure情感的愉悦Identity身份认同Lifestyle生活方式SelfCare自我关爱Currency社交话题Experience猎奇体验 ReflectingA NEED-STATE EVOLUTION ofFood Industry in China01FUNCTIONALNEED 功能饱腹期02SOCIETALNEED 与时俱进期03INDIVIDUALNEED自我满足期McDonald’sFastfoodforquickmealorgrabandgoMasterKongNational choice for stomach-feedingQUAKERBasic choice of oatsforyourbreakfast.StarbucksThe “third-space” Social communityHaidilaoHotPotSocial gathering/ celebration occasionYiDianDianpioneer in the afternoon teabreakoccasion#UPGRADED HEALTH NEEDAHA/ NELO/ BUFFXFood as nutrients for self care and health#LIFESTYLESATURNBIRD/ OATLYBrand as a choice for sustainable lifestyle#EMOTIONAL PLEASUREWONDERLABEatable accessory/fashion choice TO BE BOTH THE “FRESH CHOICE”& ALSO THE “FOR ME CHOICE” = INTRODUCING ALOVE-AT-FIRST-SIGHT BRANDRELAUNCH Strategic PropositionFRESHERThanFresh让新鲜,够新鲜Product-wiseHealthyyet deliciously satisfying Transparent preparation High quality ingredients and freshly baked breadConsumer-wiseCustomizable choices to fit for all kinds of flavor preferences and occasionsAttitude-wiseTone of voice: Energizing, connected, fun, reliable and boldreason-to-believe #2. SWITCHINFromcompetitorusers#3. GROWFREQUENCYfrom currentusers#1. DRIVETRIALFrompotentialusersFRESHER THAN FRESH让新鲜够新鲜WHO WE TALK TOTaste AddictHealthy ExpertFresh LoversTrend Seekers25-35Healthranking top of his/ her food-choice drivers. Care for wellness and fitness.Financially capable.BRAND CHOICESElement freshWagasBaker spice18-35The common mass.Prefer taste over health/nutrition/price. Enjoy simple pleasures from food.BRAND CHOICESMcdonald’sBurger kingKFC18-25Gen Z.Followthe top trend in food market. Willing to be the first to try out and share around.BRAND CHOICES本土网红餐厅Heytea生活方式餐厅Starbucks Reserve25-35Fresh as a consideration for food quality and healthy indicator. Meantime considering good value for money.BRAND CHOICESSubway FRESHER THAN FRESH 让新鲜够新鲜HOW WE TALK TO THEMFresh as in COMMUNICATIONINNOVATION让新鲜,够有新鲜感觉Freshas inOCCASION INNOVATION让新鲜,够有新鲜吃法Fresh as inPRODUCT INNOVATION让新鲜,够有新鲜味道More To Emotional NeedXcustomizationX passionpointsco-op/co-branding(fashion/ e-gaming/ etc.)X visual trade-upMore To SocietalNeedXconsumptionoccasions(based on lifestyle)X pairing optionsMore To Functional NeedXproductinnovationsX functional RTB (use of fresh ingredients)TO ATTRACT*POTENTIAL USERSTO SWITCH*COMPETITOR USERSTO GROW*CURRENTUSERS CREATIVE.04 GEN Z到底爱玩什么梗?真的是品牌难以突破的事情吗?What does Ganz like?Is it really hard for brands to break through these things?这场营销仗打起来要巧劲儿。The marketing battle needs to be foughtwith dexterity. About GEN ZEating fast food is a common thing for them.吃快餐这件事对他们来说就是稀松平常的事走过路过反正错过就错过It’s fine forthemthat they walk by, pass by, andmiss it.”“Come on 主打新鲜的赛百味,怎能不懂年轻新潮胃! 爱自嘲敢自黑万物皆可嘲给TA一个着力点玩得比谁都还要六Give them a focus they can play better than anyone elseSelf-mockeryself-deprecationEverything can laugh at itself Hey ,这抹牛油果有点绿啊... 没有牛油果的夏天不是夏天没绿过的青春,少点颜色和故事牛油果绿的自嘲语录-Avocado green self-deprecating quotes基金绿了一整片,绑死了笑一笑也无妨This avocado is too green...... Challenge 让新鲜够新鲜?什么是够新鲜?What doesFRESHER THAN FRESH mean?Challenge 让新鲜够新鲜?什么是够新鲜?Challenge 让新鲜够新鲜?什么是够新鲜?新鲜感就是够野生enough!It'swild 这个夏天Subway 把自己绿了Subway turned “green”this summer.Big IDEA野生事件开场,透过牛油果三明治夹着的那抹绿为出发点,话题炒热后品牌跟上促销玩法,和Gen Z 在这个夏天成为真正的兄弟姐妹!Begin with a wild event.Using the green on the avocado sandwich as a starting point,When the conversation gets heated, brands follow,Let the brand and GENZ become true brothers and sisters in