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元宇宙市集计划XXXXX外展点造势暨XXX首届元宇宙市集活动方案XXXXXMETAUNIVERSE TECHNOLOGYall in one home outreach site momentum and Wuhan's first meta universe market activity planA cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______「 XXX首届 」 PART FOURPART THREEPART ONEPART TWO活动思路传播建议内容场景执行细则 活动目录Active DirectoryA cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 活动思路ONEACTIVITY IDEASA cyberpunk market from the metauniverseA cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ A cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______活动诉求Activity ideas通过本次活动达到项目品牌快速造势出圈树立项目独特的传播符号奠定项目品质高度Through this activity, the project brand can quickly build momentum and get out of the circleEstablish a unique communication symbol of the project and establish a high level of project quality........ A cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______A group of meta universe robots came to the real world from the "meta universe future life Pavilion" and were found in major business districts in Wuhan,It has also established a link terminal login of "meta universe future life Museum"核心元素提炼Activity ideas项目核心标签市集、露营在小红书《2022年十大生活趋势》数据里,市集露营文化发布量位居前三多元化社交打卡时下越来越多品质青年追求多元化社交打卡形式释放个人标签元宇宙、未来、科学家、精致、市集文化、露营文化、多元化社交打卡通过项目元宇宙核心标签结合时下热门市集露营形式赋予元宇宙概念市集时下热门标签元宇宙、未来、科学家项目四大元宇宙创享中心、三大元宇宙主题场馆、三大元宇宙生活体验区精致态度极简美学建筑、超前审美的精致感、全冠移植的绿化标准 本次核心问题Activity ideas让XXXXX前期造势期间扩大项目品牌元宇宙传播声量与记忆点打造元宇宙主题外展点造势出圈效果?整体思路是什么那么如何HOWHOW主题/形式/创意A cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 一:目前快速出圈传统市集文化各类常规市集文化快速出圈,这次传统市集文化需要再一次升级打造新概念市集文化。二:目前人们对的元宇宙了解元宇宙是映射现实,确又是分割独立的虚拟世界概念。所以需要将其具象化精准社交链接,活动思路Activity ideas现状思考:A cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 1、元宇宙属于虚拟概念具象化形式如何呈现2、元宇宙现实的映射有没有人见过3、如何把元宇宙复杂的概念直观的传递思路推导Activity ideas关于元宇宙的三大思考Three thoughts on the meta universeA cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 本次元宇宙具象化视觉呈现我们选择所以维度客群都了解的赛博朋克网红风格元素作为本次活动的视觉化风格呈现We choose the one we are most familiar with and understand for the representational visual presentation of the meta universeCyberpunk style elementsAs the visual style of this activity......思路推导Activity ideasA cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 元宇宙视觉化场景+市集文化结合市集社交文化背景,通过时下热门元素机车、露营、乐队与角色COS同时融合前卫的赛博朋克风格视觉风格打造XXX首届元宇宙交易市集中转站呈现出涵盖消费、社交、娱乐、未来生活场景的沉浸式未来生活场景体验Cyberpunk visual scene + market cultureCombined with the use of the social culture of the market, through the current popular elements of locomotive, camping, band and role cos, and the integration of avant-garde cosyport style visual style, the first centralized transfer station of Wuhan yuancosmos cyberpunk trading market is created to convey the delicate tone of the future science and technology yuancosmosPresent an immersive experience covering consumption, social networking, entertainment and future life scenes..........活动策略Activity strategyA cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 2022玩遍所有市集,是该进入元宇宙科学家市集了!After playing all the markets in 2022, it's time to enter the metacosmic scientists market!本次活动Slogan:A cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 活动大结果5、网络化、网红化传播营销A group of meta universe robots came to the real world from the "meta universe future life Pavilion" and were found in major business districts in Wuhan,It has also established a link terminal login of "meta universe future life Museum"活动思路Activity ideasA cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ A cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______元宇宙市集通过参与元宇宙市集活动派发后期营销中心开放活动邀请函,增加开放预告声量巡游造势通过线下巡游造势推广,引导来宾参观打卡移动外展点增加外展点的传播声量移动外展点通过移动外展点的参观推介领取市集邀请入场券、元宇宙科学家明信片市集代金券营销中心开放通过以上传播推广,增加后期营销中心开放活动的预热与拉动项目的传播声量传播联动Communication linkage 针对本次活动我们的七大亮点呈现!Our five highlights for this event!思路推导Activity ideasA cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 亮点一:科学家移动基地空降大XXX活动开始前联动科学家移动外展点与元宇宙科学家NPC针对XXX东西湖、汉口片区主力商圈造势巡游推广,增加巡游造势的传播声量与移动外展点有效结合传播。活动亮点Activity ideasA group of meta universe robots came to the real world from the "meta universe future life Pavilion" and were found in major business districts in Wuhan,It has also established a link terminal login of "meta universe future life Museum"A cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 亮点二:线上传播矩阵吸引全城目光在线上推广部分结合独有资源提供针对性增值服务体系,同时联动小红书达人、媒体资源保证我们形成强有力的传播打卡矩阵,扩大本次活动造势声量。活动亮点Activity ideasA group of meta universe robots came to the real world from the "meta universe future life Pavilion" and were found in major business districts in Wuhan,It has also established a link terminal login of "meta universe future life Museum"A cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 亮点三:联合政务资源单位合作推广联合XXX团市委、共青团XXX市委员会、共青团XXX各区委员会、进行推广稿件宣发。活动亮点Activity ideasA group of meta universe robots came to the real world from the "meta universe future life Pavilion" and were found in major business districts in Wuhan,It has also established a link terminal login of "meta universe future life Museum"A cyberpunk market from the metauniverse______一场来自元宇宙的市集______ 亮点