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Hotel and Hotel-Supported Employment

Hotel and Hotel-Supported Employment

CORONAVIRUSTRAVELRECOVERYOPTIONS HOTELANDHOTEL-SUPPORTEDEMPLOYMENT 2019Performancevs.2023ProjectionsbyState OxfordEconomicsAnalysis–February2023 Inoneyear,thehotelindustrylostmorethan682,000directemployeesasthepandemicslashedemploymentlevelsfromnearly2.4millionin2019toalmost1.7millionin2020.Intheyearssince,theindustry’sannualemploymentnumberhasbeeninchinghigher,butstillhasnotrecovered.In2022,U.S.hotelsdirectlyemployednearly2millionpeople—morethan400,000fewerthanin2019.Intheyearahead,hotelworkforcelevelsareexpectedtoimprovefurtherbutnotfullyrecover.Hotelsareprojectedtodirectlyemploynearly2.1millionpeoplein2023–a7.4%increasefrom2022butstillmorethan260,000feweremployeesthanin2019. In2023,U.S.hotelsareexpectedtosupportmorethan7.6millionjobsthroughouttheeconomy–anaverageof2.6additionaljobsinthecommunityforeverydirecthoteljob. Note:DirectEmploymentincludesonlythosedirectlyemployedbyhotels,includinghousekeepers,frontdeskagents,etc.Hotel-supportedemploymentincludesthosedirectlyemployedbyhotelsANDthoseemployedbyotherbusinessesthataresupportedbyhotels,includingrestaurants,retail,attractionsandliveevents,transportationservices,smallbusinessvendorsandhotelsuppliers,amongothers. STATE DIRECTEMPLOYMENT HOTEL-SUPPORTEDEMPLOYMENT 2019 PROJECTED2023 2019vs.2023 2019 PROJECTED2023 2019vs.2023 NATIONWIDE 2,357,066 2,096,444 -11.1% 8,563,867 7,616,955 -11.1% ALABAMA 21,298 19,242 -9.7% 85,081 76,869 -9.7% ALASKA 10,249 8,729 -14.8% 35,759 30,454 -14.8% ARIZONA 57,809 51,070 -11.7% 199,466 176,214 -11.7% ARKANSAS 13,088 12,710 -2.9% 50,026 48,580 -2.9% CALIFORNIA 296,826 259,862 -12.5% 1,056,248 924,713 -12.5% COLORADO 52,875 46,879 -11.3% 181,697 161,094 -11.3% CONNECTICUT 26,026 22,037 -15.3% 76,668 64,917 -15.3% DELAWARE 4,376 3,956 -9.6% 14,864 13,437 -9.6% DISTRICTOFCOLUMBIA 16,823 13,586 -19.2% 43,140 34,838 -19.2% FLORIDA 210,035 194,825 -7.2% 779,634 723,177 -7.2% GEORGIA 58,067 52,089 -10.3% 270,028 242,228 -10.3% HAWAII 44,273 39,104 -11.7% 142,821 126,146 -11.7% IDAHO 11,735 11,205 -4.5% 43,759 41,784 -4.5% ILLINOIS 60,366 51,393 -14.9% 297,485 253,268 -14.9% INDIANA 25,819 23,623 -8.5% 113,604 103,938 -8.5% IOWA 22,808 20,492 -10.2% 65,171 58,552 -10.2% KANSAS 13,469 12,226 -9.2% 52,348 47,517 -9.2% KENTUCKY 17,435 15,760 -9.6% 94,338 85,275 -9.6% LOUISIANA 37,345 31,430 -15.8% 118,964 100,121 -15.8% MAINE 11,990 11,349 -5.3% 43,128 40,822 -5.3% MARYLAND 33,798 28,633 -15.3% 113,167 95,873 -15.3% MASSACHUSETTS 44,623 38,551 -13.6% 180,065 155,565 -13.6% MICHIGAN 56,381 48,622 -13.8% 201,172 173,488 -13.8% MINNESOTA 35,448 31,317 -11.7% 134,453 118,785 -11.7% MISSISSIPPI 33,952 30,188 -11.1% 81,566 72,522 -11.1% MISSOURI 40,179 36,009 -10.4% 126,899 113,729 -10.4% MONTANA 13,024 12,598 -3.3% 39,577 38,282 -3.3% NEBRASKA 9,788 8,928 -8.8% 42,768 39,012 -8.8% NEVADA 192,190 164,501 -14.4% 392,861 336,261 -14.4% NEWHAMPSHIRE 8,760 7,762 -11.4% 36,650 32,475 -11.4% NEWJERSEY 53,969 46,854 -13.2% 202,608 175,897 -13.2% NEWMEXICO 21,160 18,747 -11.4% 55,555 49,219 -11.4% NEWYORK 115,167 97,956 -14.9% 539,248 458,661 -14.9% NORTHCAROLINA 54,191 49,454 -8.7% 226,207 206,432 -8.7% NORTHDAKOTA 7,838 6,737 -14.0% 22,260 19,133 -14.0% OHIO 43,403 37,995 -12.5% 196,790 172,269 -12.5% OKLAHOMA 34,023 30,837 -9.4% 106,172 96,229 -9.4% OREGON 31,566 28,448 -9.9% 118,836 107,099 -9.9% PENNSYLVANIA 66,071 57,899 -12.4% 237,111 207,783 -12.4% RHODEISLAND 6,617 6,114 -7.6% 25,219 23,304 -7.6% SOUTHCAROLINA 36,011 33,531 -6.9% 136,712 127,299 -6.9% SOUTHDAKOTA 10,120 9,386 -7.2% 32,670 30,302 -7.2% TENNESSEE 42,022 38,968 -7.3% 168,192 155,967 -7.3% TEXAS 153,939 146,619 -4.8% 696,276 663,169 -4.8% UTAH 24,148 22,195 -8.1% 90,705 83,367 -8.1% VERMONT 12,415 10,891 -12.3% 37,074 32,523 -12.3% VIRGINIA 52,898 46,149 -12.8% 194,837 169,980 -12.8% WASHINGTON 43,885 37,978 -13.5% 198,626 171,889 -13.5% WESTVIRGINIA 12,704 11,011 -13.3% 30,651 26,568 -13.3% WISCONSIN 42,650 39,757 -6.8% 122,357 114,059 -6.8% WYOMING 11,413 10,240 -10.3% 32,165 28,860 -10.3% Source:OxfordEconomics