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divergent prospects and new imperatives in the global recovery

divergent prospects and new imperatives in the global recovery

Global Cities: divergent prospects and new imperatives in the global recovery 2021 Global Cities ReportPhoto by Tomasz Szykulski Kearney Alum In the wake of a year of devastation and uncertainty, global cities proved their resilience. Now, as they seek to lead the global recovery, cities must define a new approach to globalism with resilience and urban well-being at the core. Executive summaryThe 2021 Global Cities Report captures the impact of COVID-19 and the related lockdown measures on cities and, for some, the beginnings of an uneven recovery. While historically leading global cities were by many measures hit hardest by the pandemic, they also demonstrated their resilience and adaptive capacity. Our analysis indicates they are now best positioned for recovery, with their enduring global connectivity serving as a foundation for rebuilding and adapting to a changed world. The resilience of reigning global citiesIn this year’s Global Cities Index (GCI) results, we saw clear divergences in the trajectories of global cities. Those that were most globally connected, and often most dependent on their global connectivity and international character, unsurprisingly were first to be struck by COVID-19. The impact of the pandemic is reflected in the overall decline in the absolute scores of these leading cities in this year’s results. In contrast, in cities that were more limited in their global connectivity and cross-border interdepen-dence, the impacts of the pandemic were less severe. In many cases, these cities even showed improved scores and rankings. Our analysis suggests that this relative improvement in rankings is primarily a function of the delayed impact of the pandemic in many of these cities. Despite the outsized impact of the pandemic on reigning cities in this year’s results, they demonstrated their resilience. New York, London, Paris, and Tokyo retained the top four positions in the Index—once again demonstrating the robustness of their diversity of global strengths (see figure 1). Yet there were changes at the top of the Index. Los Angeles broke into the top five, benefiting from Beijing’s decline in the face of both the pandemic and the complex shifts in the global trade landscape. Source: Kearney 2021 Global Cities ReportFigure 1Top 10 in the 2021 Global Cities IndexCity2021 rank2020 rankΔ 20202021New YorkLondonParisTokyoLos AngelesBeijingHong KongChicagoSingaporeShanghai1234567891012347568912————+2–1–1——+212021 Global Cities: divergent prospects and new imperatives in the global recovery In the coming year, we expect the divergence among global cities to widen. While global cities that are already showing signs of economic recovery are likely to continue their upward trends, lower-scoring and less-connected global cities will likely drop in our rankings next year as the full effect of the pandemic is reflected in the metrics used for measurement, particularly given the uneven distribution of vaccines around the world.A crisis of personal well-beingThis year’s forward-looking Global Cities Outlook (GCO) highlights the strong knock-on effects that healthcare quality has on the future viability of a global city. Reflecting the overwhelming impact of the pandemic, the personal well-being metrics are the biggest predictors of change in overall GCO scores and rankings. Despite an overall drop in scores as a result of the pandemic, the cities holding the top 10 spots stand largely unchanged. London retains its top spot, with Paris, Munich, and Abu Dhabi each rising three places to come in at second, third, and fourth respectively and Dublin rounding out the top five (see figure 2). Regionally, we continue to see Chinese cities on the rise, as North American cities decline—overtaken for the first time by European cities. Global cities leading in recoveryGlobal cities are now leading the global recovery from COVID-19. They are doing so in the context of a transformed world that is opening historic opportunities for them create a next-generation realization of urban living—one centered on well-being and oriented by resilience. To realize that future, city leaders must proactively address five strategic imperatives: —Win in the competition for global talent. —Embrace the rapidly growing digital economy. —Ensure economic resilience by balancing global and local resources. —Adapt in the face of climate change. —Invest in individual and community well-being.For each of these, we present evidence and examples of how they are driving progress in enterprising cities around the world. Source: Kearney 2021 Global Cities ReportFigure 2Top 10 in the 2021 Global Cities OutlookCity2021 rank2020 rankΔ 20202021LondonParisMunichAbu DhabiDublinStockholmTokyoTorontoSydneySingapore12345678910156710842123—+3+3+3+5+2–3–6+3–722021 Global Cities: divergent prospects and new imperatives in the global recovery The 2021 GCI and GCO: the rocky road to urban recoveryThis year’s Global Cities Report reflects the dynamics o