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February2022RevenueMarketingReport2022Insightsintohowmodernsalesandmarketing teams driverevenues amiduncertaintimes:copper What you'll find inthis reportFor the second edition of our Revenue Marketing Report,Outfunneland Copper surveyed 300 sales and marketingprofessionals in the US to discover:How SMBs are performing in regards to their revenue goalsThe state of sales and marketing alignment among SMBs, alongwith the main challenges to great alignmentHow sales and marketing teams are using .technology, especiallyin regards to data managementHow companies are shifting to remote work or have adopted ahybrid model, and the result of these changesThe data in this report is from an independent survey conductedin November-December 2021thatgenerated 300 responsesRespondents include senior-level (Director+ with decision-making authority) sales leaders and B2B marketers fromcompanies with both sales and marketing functions. More thanhalf of the respondents represented the following 6 industries:Construction, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Software /For more on methodology, demographics and firmographics, seepage 24.Revenue Marketing Report 2022 Table ofcontentsExecutive summary4Optimismamiduncertaintimes:62% of sales &marketingleaders believe they'll exceed revenue goals in 20226Despite majority exceeding revenue goals, sales andmarketing alignment sees decline00Aligning your sales & marketing efforts increases odds of14exceeding revenuegoalsSMBs are embracing the work-from-anywhere era... but is it.17working?Data is key to alignment, but one-third still move data20betweentoolsmanuallyConclusion24Methodology,demographics and firmographics25Revenue Marketing Report 20223 ExecutivesummaryOptimismamid uncertain times: 62% of sales &marketingleaders believe they'll exceed revenue goals in 2022. Salesand marketing leaders are optimistic about .their companiesrevenues for 2022. And with good reason: Nearly 60% ofrespondents reported that their companies exceeded revenuegoals in 2021.Despite the majority exceeding revenue goals, overall salesand marketing alignment sees a decline. Alignment betweensales and marketing has deteriorated, compared to last year'ssurvey. Now, nearly 6Q% of sales and marketing professionalsdon't feel well-aligned, compared to 46% in 2021. Poorcommunication and data issues are seen as the biggestchallenges to alignment.Aligning your sales & marketing efforts increases odds ofexceeding revenue goals..The correlation between sales &disjointed marketing and sales teams are twice as likely to misstheir revenue goals, while those with great alignment are morelikely to exceed them.Revenue Marketing Report 2022 SMBs are embracing the work-from-anywhere era... but is itworking? 20% of SMBs report.their office has become fullyremote and 43% are working with a hybrid structure. Hawever,data suggests that those who have gone fully remote strugglereach revenue goals.Data is key to alignment, but one-third still move data betweentools manually.While both sales and marketing teams are likelyto rely on several tools related to customer information, the waythey keep data in sync varies. As many as 32% of therespondents say they move some or all of the data manually.Despiteaglobalenvironmentthatremainsnearlyasuncertainasitwastwo yearsago,thoseresponsiblefordriving business growth atsmallandmedium-sizebusinesseshavereportedanoverwhelmingly strong revenue year for 2021 andmaintain a positive outlook into2022.But sales andmarketingteams continueto struggle withalignment, and we've seen that spontaneity canonly go so far. The key to sustainable futurebusiness growth lies in.control and.visibility,especially in uncertain times.Predictability comesthrough better data and information sharing amongteams."Dennis FoisCEOof CopperRevenueMarketingReport20225 Optimism amiduncertain times: 62%of sales & marketingleadersbelievethey'llexceedrevenuegoalsin 2022In last year's report, 50% of SMBs reported their revenuesdecreased in 2020, while only 39% reported revenue growth.This year, the picture looks quite different.Nearly 6o% of sales and marketing leaders report that their companies exceededrevenue goals in2021.It's possible that businesses may have set more modest goalsfor 2021 due to heightened uncertainty and fluctuatingrevenues, but sales and marketing leaders feel optimistic abouttheir companies' revenue growth for 2022.Asmanyas62%ofsalesandmarketingloadorsexpecttoexceedtheirrevenuegoalsin2022.RevenueMarketingReport2022 Do you expect your company will achieve itsrevenue goals in2022?60%62% 40%28%20%10%0% We will exceedWe will achleveWe wlll miss ourour revenue goalsour revenue goalsrevenue goalsHowever, not all industries were equal in their wins last year. In2021, respondents in Manufacturing reported the best results: Awhopping 72% said they exceeded revenue goals, while only14% reported falling short of their targets.Compare those numbers to Professional Services, whoperformed worst: 46% reported exceeding, 33%




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